

日期:2023-02-14 09:28:58    编辑:网络投稿    来源:互联网

我不想散的時候 你沒冷暴力嗎 我給你發信息的時候你回了嗎 你答應我的事又做到了嗎 好多事你真的問心無愧嗎I don't want to spread when you didn't cold violence when I

我不想散的時候 你沒冷暴力嗎 我給你發信息的時候你回了嗎 你答應我的事又做到了嗎 好多事你真的問心無愧嗎

I don't want to spread when you didn't cold violence when I sent you a message when you answered it you promised me and did a lot of things you really have a clear conscience


哪有什么直男啊 他要是遇到了那個他超級愛的女孩子 連她皺下眉頭都會心疼 更別說哭了 也許只有愛或不愛罷了

What kind of straight guy would frown when he met a girl he loves so much let alone cry maybe love or not


要是那晚的月亮再亮一點就好了 這樣說不定我就能看清 那時閃爍在你眼里忽明忽暗的東西 到底是不是喜歡

I wish the moon had been a little brighter that night so I could see if you liked what was flickering in and out of your eyes


創可貼貼久了撕下來會很疼 換句話說 你陪在我身邊那么久 你走的時候我會很難過

It hurts to take off a Band-aid after a long time in other words I'm gonna be sad when you leave after you've been around for so long


我給你消息發了好多 看手機等你回復半天 眼睛都是酸的 突然你回了我消息 我立馬拿起手機 只看你回了一個嗯

I sent messages to you a lot of looking at the phone waiting for your reply for a long time, my eyes were sour suddenly you replied to my message, I immediately picked up the phone only to see you replied to one


成熟的男孩煙酒入喉 幼稚的男孩愛字當頭 我不僅煙酒入喉 我也把愛字當頭 我在幼稚與成熟之間徘徊

Mature boy smoke and drink in throat Childish boy love word in front of me not only smoke and drink in throat I also love word in front of me between childish and mature


如果我只想跟他玩玩就好了 可是我太貪心了 我想和他一直在一起 我讓他心里一直是我 我還想和他有個家

It would be nice if I just wanted to hang out with him but I'm greedy and I want to be with him all the time and I want him to be me all the time and I want to have a family with him


其實我還是沒有釋懷 我還是會懷念我們在一起的時光 還是會偷偷的看你主頁無數遍 卻從來沒有鼓起勇氣去添加你好友

In fact, I still haven't let go of the fact that I still miss our time together or secretly look at your page countless times but never pluck up the courage to add your friend


你呀 次次心軟 次次后悔 次次失望 次次不改 次次被敷衍 次次不長記性

You ah soft heart times regret times disappointed times do not change times perfunctory times do not long memory


