八年級上冊英語一模二單元課文 八年級上冊英語模塊一第二章測試卷

八年級上冊英語一模二單元課文 八年級上冊英語模塊一第二章測試卷

日期:2023-03-09 17:32:55    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源

2017-2018八年級英語上冊Module2 Unit1習題  在中國,英語也是一門主要的課程,與語文數學并列,是求學者永遠離不開必學的一門課程。下面是小編為大家搜索整理的2017-2018八

2017-2018八年級英語上冊Module2 Unit1習題

  在中國,英語也是一門主要的課程,與語文數學并列,是求學者永遠離不開必學的一門課程。下面是小編為大家搜索整理的2017-2018八年級英語上冊Module2 Unit1習題,希望對大家學習英語有所幫助。

2017-2018八年級英語上冊Module2 Unit1習題



  1) 對____者之間的比較時,形容詞要用__________級的形式,后面再用________引出比較的對象。

  構成方法 原級 比較級

  單音節和少數雙音節形容詞 1、一般加-er new, tall, old

  2、以e結尾的,加-r wide, fine, large


  big, hot,

  fat, thin


  busy, early, easy

  2) 形容詞的比較級在句子中的`用法

  Eg. Shanghai is big.

  Shanghai is bigger.

  Shanghai is bigger than Hong Kong.

  3)趁熱打鐵: 用所給單詞的適當形式填空。

  1) Hainan Island is _________ than Beijing. (hot)

  2) Guangzhou is _______ than Foshan. (big)

  3) Who is ___________, your father or your mother? (busy)

  4) Is Shenzhen older than Foshan? No, it’s ___________. (new)

  5) Sanya is _________ in winter. It’s __________ than many other cities in China. (warm)

  6) Which is __________, your house or his? (small)

  7) Is your grandpa__________ than your grandma? (old)

  8) I think Module 1 is __________ than Module 2. (easy)



  ( )1. A. with B. than C. tooth D. father

  ( )2. A. island B. think C. which D. bigger

  ( )3. A. seat B. east C. bread D. leave

  ( )4. A. apple B. answer C. black D. than


  ( ) 1) Shenzhen is a ________ city than Guangzhou.

  A. new B. older C. newer

  ( ) 2) There are _________ in Hong Kong.

  A. 7 millions people B. 7 million peoples C. 7 million people

  ( ) 3) Shanghai is _____ old city. But Shenzhen is _____ new one.

  A. an, a B. a, an C. an, an

  ( ) 4) --- Is Shanghai _______ than Hong Kong? --- No, it isn’t. It’s________.

  A. newer, older B. new, old C. newer, old

  ( ) 5) The population of this new city ______ about two million.

  A. has B. are C. is

  ( ) 6)--______The population ________Hong Kong? --7 million.

  A .What’s; in B .How many are; in D .What’s; of

  ( ) 7)The roads in Beijing are much ________than those in Guangzhou.

  A .wide B .wider C .more wide

  ( ) 8)Jack always makes us laugh, he is even ________than his brother.

  A .funnier B .funny C .funniest


  1)--武漢比北京大嗎? --不,比它小。但是武漢比北京熱。

  --Is Wuhan ________ ________Beijing?

  --No, it’s________.But it’s ________ ________Wuhan ________in Beijing.

  2)這座城市的人口有多少?_________________________________________ of this city?

  3)Wuhan is big. Beijing is bigger. (用比較級連接兩個句子,意思保持不變)

  Beijing ___________________________________ Wuhan.

  4)化學和物理一樣難。Chemistry is ___________________________physics.


  Don’t believe the advertisement. That medicine is ______________________it says.

  6)Shenzhen has a population of over ten million.(劃線部分提問)


  7)Guangdoing is warmer than Jinan in winter.(改為一般疑問句,并作肯定回答)


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