面試需要注意的著裝細節有哪些 面試需要注意的著裝細節包括

面試需要注意的著裝細節有哪些 面試需要注意的著裝細節包括

日期:2023-03-10 04:44:50    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源

面試需要注意的著裝細節  Whileeveryone knows that short hemlines and plunging necklines aren't acceptable for a job interview, wearing an inappropriate dre


  Whileeveryone knows that short hemlines and plunging necklines aren't acceptable for a job interview, wearing an inappropriate dress that's also a bright, flashy color--like red--simply makes this situation worse.



  Whilea blazer is a good go-to choice for almost any interview, be mindful of what you wear underneath. Inevitably, the deep-v formed by the blazer's lapel creates a plunging neckline. If you're going to wear a camisole or a shell underneath, make sure it covers you appropriately. Of course, layering with a button-down is a no-fail option, too.


  Takeit easy on the perfume and cologne, as you never know if your interviewer might have an allergy or aversion to strong scents.


  What'swrong with this picture? At first glance, it seems like not much, as the young man is dressed in a dapper suit and tie. But, take a closer look: the headphones have got to go.


  Whileit's fine to listen to music on your commute to the interview, take them off before you enter the office. Otherwise, you risk seeming distracted and unfocused.


  Itcan be hard to figure out what to wear for a summer job interview. When the weather is warming up, no one wants to suffer in a heavy suit. At the same time, that doesn't give you an excuse to throw professionalism out the window and wear super-casual shorts, a tank top, or a dress.


  Fortunately,because many summer jobs tend to be more "business casual" than especially dressy, most likely you won't have to dress in a dark wool suit or heavy blazer.


  Bothmen and women can consider wearing tailored khakis, a nice polo shirt or button-down, and a pair of sensible shoes - but no flip-flops!


  Don'tforget about shoes, either. Throwing on a pair of sneakers, an old pair of pumps, or beat up dress shoes certainly won't make you look polished or professional.


  Whileit's important to look your best, loading on make-up is not the best way to go about it. Keep your look natural, avoiding dark eye shadow, bright lipstick or heavy foundation. Your best bet is to to look refreshed and awake, without looking too done up.


  Nowis not the time to pull out that novelty tie you got last Christmas. Even if you think your tie will make a statement, err on the side of caution and stick with something that's more traditional. A pattern with conservative colors is perfectly fine - like subdued stripes, or tasteful paisley - but don't try to be a funny guy who wears the tacky tie.


  Bothwomen and men should keep accessories to a minimum. Ladies should avoid excess jewelry - instead of big hoops or chandelier earrings, opt for classic studs. It's also a good idea to avoid wearing flashy necklaces, large sunglasses or anything "bedazzled."


  Wearingthe right clothes to a job interview is as important as what not to wear. Choosing appropriate interview attire will help you make the best impression.










