8年級上冊module2測試題 八年級上冊英語2c答案

8年級上冊module2測試題 八年級上冊英語2c答案

日期:2023-03-09 02:24:11    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源

2017-2018八年級英語上冊Module2同步訓練題  要想在考試中取得好成績就必須注重平時的練習與積累。今天小編為大家帶來了2017-2018八年級英語上冊Module2同步訓練題,希望對




  Unit 1 It’s taller than many other buildings

  1 基礎積累

  1 英漢互譯

  1 millionns of _________ 2. pretty good _________

  3 . as busy as ____________ 4 more than __________

  5 代替,而不是_____________ 6 三年前______________

  7 記得要做某事______________ 8 越來越暖和___________

  2 據意填詞

  1 I know China is the country with a p_______ of more than one billion.

  2 There are seven m_______ people in HongKong .

  3 Tony is taller t______ me .

  4 I will go to my _________ ( 家鄉 ) next weekend .

  5 The gate isn’t ________ ( 寬的 )enough to get the car through .

  6 Shanghai is a ________ ( 繁忙 的 ) city . There are always many cars and buses on the street .

  3 用所給詞的適當形式填空xK b1.C om

  1 Tom is as _______ ( careful ) as his sister .

  2 Shanghai is _________ ( big ) than Tianjin .

  3 We had a party instead of _______ ( have ) classes last Friday .

  4 . Alicia is busy _______ ( do ) her homework now .

  5 I’m older than he is . But he is a little ____ ( tall ) than I am .

  6 . He feels _______ ( happy ) today than yesterday .

  7 The river is _______ ( wide ) than that one

  8 The mountain is 2 _______ ( kilometer ) high .

  9 Is Shanghai _______ ( busy ) than HongKong .

  10 . Lucy ______ ( look ) taller than her brother .


  ( ) 1.The population of Tianjin is ______ than that of Shanghai .

  A larger B less C smaller D fewer

  ( ) 2 . _______ is the population of China ?

  A How many B How much C What D How often

  ( ) 3 ----- ______ is Mary ? ------ She is 1.60 metres tall .

  A How long B How large C How far D How tall

  ( ) 4 . They went there by bus _____ by bike .

  A instead B instead of C but D still

  ( ) 5 . I don’t like this film . It is _____ the last one .

  A more interesting than B not so interesting as

  C as interesting as D less interesting as

  ( ) 6 It’s ______ hot in Chongqing in summer . If it doesn’t rain,

  It will be even _____ .

  A quite , hot B very , hot C much , hotter D very , hotter


  1 這把尺子跟那把尺子一樣長

  This ruler is ______ ______ ______ that one .

  2 這幢大廈比附近的.建筑物都高

  The building is ______ ______ any other building near here .

  3 長江要比泰晤士河更寬

  The Changjiang River is ______ ______ the Thames River .

  4 中國和印度,哪個國家人口更多

  _______ country has a ______ ______ , China or India ?

  5 那座山大約1,500米高

  That mountain is about 1,500 ______ ______ .

  6 這個城市有數以百萬人

  There are _______ _______ people in this city .

  7 在20世紀80年代,深圳變成了一個非常重要的城市

  Shenzhen _______ an important city ______ _______ 1980s .

  Unit 2


  1 英漢互譯

  1 in the east of __________ 2 lots of ____________

  3 a one-hour train ride ________ 4 on the coast _________

  5 the home of ___________ 6 . 故鄉,家鄉___________

  7 因……… 而聞名 _________ 8 大不列顛______________

  9 來自于____________ 10 在冬季________________

  2 據意填詞

  1 .Hainan Island is in the s_______ of China .

  2 . The p______ of Shanghai is very large .

  3 Bristol is in the w_______ of English .

  4 . Mark Twain is f_______ for his novels .

  5 . Taiwan is a beautiful ______ (島嶼 )of China .

  6 . Hongkong has seven _______ ( 百萬 )people .

  7. London is the _________ ( 首都  )city of the UK .

  8 There are lots of famous cities on the ______ ( 海岸 ) of China .

  9 Guilin is a beautiful city , _________ ( 尤其) the lakes and low mountains .

  10 .Cambridge is a ________ ( 受歡迎的 )city in the UK .

  3 用括號中所給詞的適當形式填空

  1 . They are going _________ ( visit ) London next week .

  2 . The city ________ ( have ) two mollion people .

  3 . Beijing is _________ ( busy ) than before .

  4 . The city is about 2,000 _______ ( year ) old .

  5 . There ______ ( be ) a small village near the sea .

  6 . There are many famous ______ ( university ) in London .