初中必記的英語短語有哪些 初中必記的英語短語大全

初中必記的英語短語有哪些 初中必記的英語短語大全

日期:2023-03-02 15:41:01    编辑:网络投稿    来源:互联网

初中必記的英語短語  1. be aware of...:意識到……;覺察到……  He wasn't aware of anything wrong until he received a Dear John letter from his girlfriend.直


  1. be aware of...:意識到……;覺察到……


  He wasn't aware of anything wrong until he received a Dear John letter from his girlfriend.直到收到女朋友的分手信,他才意識到事情不妙。

  2. be bare to the waist:打赤膊;

  It is not appropriate to be bare to the waist when girls are around.女孩子在時,打赤膊不太好。

  替換短語:strip to the waist:打赤膊;

  It is not appropriate to strip to the waist when girls are around.女孩子在時,大赤膊不太好。

  3. be bare of sth.:幾乎沒有某物;

  His apartment is almost bare of furniture.他的'公寓幾乎沒什么家具。

  4. be blessed with:有幸得到;

  The couple are blessed with a pair of lovely kids.這對夫妻有對可愛的孩子,真是幸運。

  5. be busy with sth.:忙于做某事;

  He is busy with his work all the day.他整天都在忙工作。

  6. be capable of:有……的能力;有……的可能;

  He is capable of finish the work.他能完成這些工作。

  混淆短語:capable person:有能力的人;

  The man is a capable person.他是個有能力的人。

  7. be eager for:積極的,渴望的;

  He is eager for success.他渴望成功。

  混淆短語:with eager eyes:以急切的眼光;

  The hungry wolf looked at the dog with eager eyes.餓狼熱切地盯著這只狗。

  8. be expert at:擅長;

  He is expert at playing basketball.他擅長打籃球。

  替換短語:be good at:擅長;

  He is good at playing basketball.他擅長打籃球。

  9. be in rust:生銹;

  The iron pot will be in rust easily if you don't take care of it.如果沒有妥善保存,這個鐵鍋很容易生銹。

  替換短語:rust out:生銹;

  The iron pot will rust out easily if you don't take care of it.如果沒有妥善保存,這個鐵鍋很容易生銹。

  10. be master in one's own house:不受別人干涉;

  I won't meddle in you affairs, you are master in your own house.我不會插手你的事,你不應受我干涉。








