國外購物英語情景對話 在國外購物英語對話

國外購物英語情景對話 在國外購物英語對話

日期:2023-02-23 04:06:31    编辑:网络投稿    来源:互联网

國外購物的英語口語對話  在國外,無論是旅游還是留學,購物是大家一定都不會忘記的。下面,就為大家送上一篇國外購物的英語口語對話,供大家練習。  Anna: As I was telling y




  Anna: As I was telling you, Masa, where you shop depends largely on what you need. So, if you want to buy an answering machine or a CD-player, your best bet would probably be an appliance store such as Radio Shack..

  Will: Yup! Or Circuit City. I like Best Buy the best, though.

  Masahiro: Why?

  Will: Coz they usually have the best deals. They have sales on their TVs and CD-players every once in a while.

  Anna: Hum. I'll bet they send you their glossy ads loaded with so-called "SALES"!


  Anna: Well, I still think the CD-player I bought from them was a rip off.

  Will: I'll admit some of their items are high-priced, but at least the shopper's guaranteed quality. There are very few places that have such a wide selection.

  Masahiro: I need to buy disks, at least two disk holders, note cards, transparencies, and that kind of stuff.

  Will: For office supplies, I suggest Office Max.

  Anna: Or Comp USA. One good thing about living in a campus town, though, is that you can easily get that stuff at any of the bookstores. No doubt they do overcharge. I try to get around that by shopping around.

  Masahiro: Shopping around?

  Anna: Yes. That simply means you go to different stores, check out the prices of items you need and purchase them from the store with the lowest price or prices.

  Masahiro: I see. Sounds very practical.

  Will: And time-consuming, too!

  Masahiro: Where is Office Max located?

  Anna: There's one in the mall, so we can stop by there this afternoon.

  Masahiro: Great! Thanks.

  Will: Hey, Masa. Just so you know, you can always run to the discount stores whenever you're out of something you need right away. There are several around campus.

  Anna: That's right. And they carry pretty much everything a student needs. Pop, pasta, eggs, hair spray . . . you name it!

  Will: They don't usually carry milk, though, so you might want to walk down to White Hen , Walgreens, or some other convenience stores close by.

  Anna: I wouldn't advise you to buy things in bulk from such stores, though. I mean, do your major shopping at the specialized stores. It's much cheaper, and more convenient in the long run.

  Masahiro: Good advice!

  Will: Sort of like Mom's!

  Anna: Hey, watch it!

  Will: Just kiddin'!

  Masahiro . Life sounds great in this town! Oh! Before I forget, guys, where can I rent movies? I love watching movies in my spare time.

  Anna: Me too! Let's see. There are two video stores close to your apartment. Lucky you! One's Blockbuster, and the other's That's Rentertainment. I believe they both have specials on weekdays, right Will?

  Will: Yup. But not for the new releases. It's usually a buck each for the older movies.

  Anna: Are you guys ready to go to the mall?

  Masahiro & Will: Sure.

  Anna: Masa, don't forget to take your shopping list with you.

  Masahiro: Thanks for reminding me.

  Anna: You're welcome. What are we waiting for? let's go.









