四年級英語期末試卷分析 四年級英語期末試卷上冊

四年級英語期末試卷分析 四年級英語期末試卷上冊

日期:2023-02-23 00:38:53    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源

四年級英語期末試卷  很快就要期末考試了,期末考試的復習同學們做好了嗎?現在yjbys網小編為大家帶來四年級英語期末試卷,希望大家期末考出好成績!  聽力: 74分  一、 選




  聽力: 74分

  一、 選出你所聽到的字母或單詞,并填在題前括號中 (10分)

  ( )1. A. bc B. ec ( )2. A. PID B. CEP

  ( )3. A. walk B. talk ( )4. A. shy B. so

  ( )5. A. nice B. naughty ( )6. A. cloudy B. clever

  ( )7. A. sun B. sing ( )8. A. play B. dance

  ( )9. A. cool B. cook ( )10. A. old B. out

  二、 聽音連線 (15分)

  三、 聽音標號 (10分)

  四、 聽音,根據所聽內容打√或打× (14分)

  五、 根據所聽內容選擇正確答語。將編號填在括號中。 (10分)

  ( ) 1. A. I’m fine, thanks. B. Sorry.

  ( ) 2. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I can.

  ( ) 3. A. No, it isn’t B. It’s very big.

  ( ) 4. A. Hello. Tom B. Goodbye.

  ( ) 5. A. It’s a robot. B. I’ll go swimming.

  六、 聽音,用√分別在表格中標出每個人的特征愛好。 (15分)

  naught shy clever fish noodles milk Watch TV Play games





  筆試: 26分

  七、 根據下圖所示,選擇正確的單詞填入。 (6分)

  八、 單項選擇 (10分)

  ( )1.This book is _____ London.

  A. about B. on C. with D. at

  ( )2.I will play football _____ Sunday.

  A. about B. on C. with D. at

  ( )3.I went to school _____ bus.

  A. by B. on C. with D. at

  ( )4.I was _____ home yesterday.

  A. by B. on C. with D. at

  ( )5.On Sunday we are going to _____ a picnic.

  A. about B. on C. with D. have

  ( )6.-Will you take your kite?

  -Yes, I _____.

  A. will. B. won’t C. was D. wasn’t

  ( )7.-Was he at school yesterday?

  -No, he _____.

  A. was B. wasn’t C. were D. weren’t

  ( )8.We _____ some birds yesterday.

  A. see B. saw C. look D. looked

  ( )9.We _____ some food and _____ some drinks yesterday.

  A. eat, drank B. ate, drink C. ate, drank D. eat, drink

  ( )10.Today is Monday and tomorrow is _____ .

  A. Friday B. Wednesday C. Sunday D. Tuesday

  九、連線 (5分)

  1. Who are they? Yes, I will.

  2.This is Maomao. No, it wasn’t.

  3.Will you take your kite? They are my grandparents.

  4.Was it be sunny in London? She is a bit shy.

  5.What ‘s that? It’s a kite.

  十、 閱讀理解,根據短文判斷對錯。 (5分)

  This is my friend Amy. She is a clever pupil. Yesterday is Sunday, Amy went to grandma’s house by bus. She helped grandma and played on the computer. Grandma cooked some noodles and fish. Grandpa watched TV. They were very happy.

  ( )1.Amy is a nice teacher.

  ( )2.Amy went to grandma’s house by car.

  ( )3.Amy helped grandma and played on the computer.

  ( )4.Grandma cooked rice and chicken.

  ( )5.Grandpa watched TV yesterday.








