初三英語下冊課本答案 初三英語人教版教材答案

初三英語下冊課本答案 初三英語人教版教材答案

日期:2023-02-21 07:01:17    编辑:网络投稿    来源:互联网

人教版初三下冊英語練習冊答案  初三九年級下冊英語練習冊答案主要是根據人教版九年級的英語教材課后的`練習冊進行匯總的,本練習冊的答案希望能夠幫助大家,歡迎來參考!  U




  Unit 9 when was it invented ?

  Section A

  一: 1. invented 2.invention 3.adjustable 4.heat 5.slippers 二: 1~5 CBCCC

  三: 1. What, used for 2. Who , invented 3. is , cleaned 4.must be repaired 5. to see

  Section B

  一: 1.notice 2. salty 3.produced 4. remain 5.pleasant

  二: 2.too thin 2.by accident 3.According to, was discovered 4. by mistake 5.in this way ,in the end 6.fell into

  三: 1~5:AADCD 6~10:BDBDC 11~12 :AC

  四: for, on, Who , think, are, inwentions, is , most

  Self Check and Reading

  一: 1.century 2.knock 3.below 4.wooden 5.towards 6. developing 7.divided 8.active 9.aim 10.create

  二: 1.helpful 2.invention 3.salt 4.the most popular 5.safety 6.wood

  三: 1.It is believed 2.named 3. to learn 4.was sent 5.was handed in 6.Was ,cleaned 7.found him 8.When was, invented

  四: 1~5:BADBA 6~10:CADAB

  五: 1~5:ABCAC

  6.He grew vegetables in his garden and sold them.With the money he set up a chemical lab.

  7.Yes.Because he was awarded 1368 separate and distinct patents during his lifetime.

  8.February 11th,1847 9.October 18th ,1931 10.America 11.Built a lab 12. 1368

  13. His first patented invention was an electrical vote recorder in 1868.

  14. 1876~1877,invented the phonograph.

  15.1900~1910, invented and perfected and steel alkaline storage battery.

  Unit10 By the time I got outside ,the bus had already left

  Section A

  一: 1.lock 2.verslept 3.rush 4.relative 5.broke

  二: 1. had left 2.had left 3.to come 4.had cooked 5.doesn’t rain 6.had had 7. finishing 8.had learnt

  三: 1~5:CBBAB

  四: 1.walking, on time 2.been late for ,came ,close 3.go off ,overslept 4.broke down 5.ran off

  Section B

  一 : 1.exhausted 2.costume 3.ending 4.thrilled 5.empty 6.reveal 7.panic 8.describe 9.fooled 10.married

  二: 1~5CABBD 6~10BAACD

  三: 1.set off 2.get married 3.invited ,to watch 4.showed up 5.as much ,as 6.stay up 7.happened to 8.Hundreds of 9.so ,that

  四: 1~5:BEDCA

  Self Check and Reading

  一: 1.met,hadn’t seen 2.crying 3.to go 4.have learnt/learned 5.will be showed /shown

  二: 1.too,to 2.as much as possible 3.had seen 4.has he 5.weren’t allowed

  三: 1~5 CBCCD 6~10 BABDC

  四: 1~5 TFFTF 6~10 CDBAC

  Unit 11 could you please tell me where the restrooms are?

  Section A

  一: 1.shampoo 2.fresh 3.restrooms 4.department 5.escalator

  二: 1.in the middle of 2.across from 3. In front of 4.between 5.past

  三: 1~6 CBCDCD

  四: 1.to get to 2.if/whether there is 3.when,leaves 4.where,is 5.to talk,they went 6.Take ,to ,Go past ,next t to

  五: Excuse me , Sure, second , How , escalator/elevator, turn , past , between , and

  Section B

  一: 1.slides 2.organized 3.dresses 4.cheap /inexpensive 5.uncrowded

  二: 1~5 BCDAB 6~10 DCCBD

  三: 1.where there is 2.if /whether there are 3,shall we 4.not get 5.took , to mend

  Self check and reading

  一: 1.lend 2.park 3.trouble 4.wonder 5,hand

  二: 1~5 CACBB 6~10 BDBAC

  三: 1.lend ,to 2.where ,is 3.spend on /buying 4.if/whether , goes 5.Could you tell me how I can get to the library? 6.ask for information politely 7.What ,sounds 8.Speaking ,enough 9.too many, depend on 10.talking, chang ,speak

  四: 1~5 CACCD 6~10 ADBCA

  五: 1~5TTFFF 6.They will die 7.On his farm 8.600 mils(away) 9.Two weeks 10.Yes,they did

  Unit 12 You’are supposed to shake hands

  Section A

  一: 1.bow 2.shake 3.relaxed 4.customs 5.greet

  二: 1~5:BBADB

  三: 1.to bring ,left 2.have asked 3.relaxed 4.Spending 5.to be 6.calling 7.to do

  四: 1.Are you supposed , Yes ,are 2.are supposed to greet 3.What are ,supposed to do 4.don’t, have 5.are supposed to bow 6.supposed to arrive ,arrived 7.have asked ,were supposed 8.make plans to

  Section B

  一: 1.forks 2.wipe,napkin 3.noise 4.full 5.point

  二: 1.inviting 2.am having 3.study 4.get ,getting 5.to say

  三: 1~5 BACBC 6~10 BAABD

  四: 1.pick up 2.rude ,stick ,into 3.out of ,make ,feel 4.it difficult to 5.to be ,to doing

  五: nervous, use, behave ,manners ,good/great /nice , polite ,supposed ,rules , point, walking

  Self check and reading

  一:1.unfamiliar 2.knife ,spoon 3.experiment 4.beside 5.Whose

  二: 1.way ,to save /for saving 2.seem,familiar to 3.alone ,bored 4.couldn’t help laughing 5.easier ,faster ,working

  三: 1~5BADBB

  四: 1~5DBDBD 6~10DBCAD

  五: 1~5BBBDC 6~10FFTFT

  六: 1.hardly 2.lost 3.right 4.show 5.comfortable 6.towards 7.matter 8.other 9.called 10.healthy

  Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad

  Saction A

  一: 1.design 2.hard 3.served 4.pink 5.fair 6.uncomfortable 7.poiiution 8.scientific 9.stressed 10.owners 11.waiting 12.made 13.work 14.playing 15.walk

  二: 1~5BCAAD 6~10 BCBBB

  三: 1.takes them,to do 2.doesn’t make 3.What does ,make ,feel 4.so,that 5.What ,think

  四: 1~5 ECDAB

  Section B

  一: 1.shiny 2.truth 3.products 4.tastes 5.led 6.(to)compare 7.annoyed 8.keep out 9.schoolbag 10.designed

  二: 1~5 ADCCA 6~8 BDB

  三:1.working well 2.annoyed with myself 3.confusing ,misleading 4.For instance /For example

  5.the quality of the product

  Self check and reading

  一: 1.schoolbag 2.purple 3.purses/wallets 4.taste 5.thought

  二: 1.To be honest ,kind 2.not to see 3.felt embarrassed 4.has been on 5.decided to

  四:1~5 CAAAD

  6.The father was really sad ,shutting himself away from his friends and refusing to do any activity.


  8.Because he hoped his daughter’s candle would no longer be put out by his useless tears.


  10.The father was no longer sad.









