托業考試題庫含答案 托業考試官方指南

托業考試題庫含答案 托業考試官方指南

日期:2023-03-10 15:36:25    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源

最新托業考試復習備考試題及答案  根兒向縱深處延伸一寸,小樹被狂風推倒的`危險就減弱了一分。以下是小編為大家搜索整理的最新托業考試復習備考試題及答案,希望能給大家帶



  1. _______________ left before the deadline, it doesn't seem likely that John will accomplish the job.

  (A) Although such a short time

  (B) It is such a short

  (C) With so short time

  (D) With such a short time

  2. With the start for the penny papers in the 1830's, the number of people _________

  a newspaper rose considerably.

  (A) regularly reading

  (B) were reading regularly

  (C) regularly reading what

  (D) who reading regularly

  3. Tempera, a type of paint, is prepared from a mixture of water, egg yolk, and one but more tinted

  A B C D


  4. Over forty years ago, Helen Hall's outstanding contributions as a settlement organizer catch the

  A B

  attention of president Franklin Roosevelt, who appointed her to his advisory committee on economic

  C D


  5. Part of the sunlight that strikes the Earth is reflected into the sky, and a rest is absorbed by the

  A B C



  6. At present production levels, _________ deposits of bauxite can provide the world with aluminum for hundreds of years.

  (A) known

  (B) known are

  (C) they are known

  (D) what is known

  7. It seemed as if I hadn't scarcely done anything worthwhile with my time, for I failed three courses.

  A B C D

  8. The office manager insists that his staff use all of its vacation time, but he hardly never takes a

  A B C D

  vacation himself.

  9. Life insurance, before available only to young, healthy persons, can now be obtained for old people

  A B C

  and even for pets.


  10. Moonquakes originating at deep of some 800 kilometers indicate the Moon has considerable rigidity

  A B C D

  and is not molten at such levels.

  73.D 74.A 75.C 76.B 77.C 78.A 79.A 80.C 81.A 82.B

  83. Biologists and anthropologists possesses a wealth of evidence to indicate that human beings arose

  A B

  from lower forms of life over a time long period.

  C D

  84. Ladybugs are desirous in the garden because most kinds eat aphids and other harmful insects.

  A B C D

  85. It has been estimated that only 21 percent of the world's land surface are cultivatable and that only

  A B C D

  7.6 percent is actually under cultivation.

  86. To become a skilled photograph, a person should have both manual dexterity and a good eye for detail.

  A B C D

  87. For centuries, music have played acoustical guitars, which produce sound from the vibration of the

  A B C D


  88. Langston Hughes always seemed to know exactly who he was, and those knowledges helped make

  A B

  him one of the most respected writers in the United States.

  C D

  89. Banking is ancient origin, though little 3 known about its history prior to the thirteenth century.

  A B C D

  90. Au bones have an exterior layer, termed the cortex, that is smooth, dense, continuous, and ___________ .

  (A) of varying thickness

  (B) varied thickness

  (C) its thickness varies

  (D) its thickness varying

  91. The holograph was an instrument employed to send signals by reflecting sunlight a mirror or

  A B C D


  92. In retrospect, sadness, rather anger, seems to be the overriding emotion in Langston Hughes's poetry.

  A B C D

  93. Obsidian, an uncommon volcanic rock, polishes good and makes an attractive semiprecious stone.

  A B C D

  94. Business cycles have been placed the scrutiny of statisticians so that recurring patterns not apparent

  A B C

  at first sight might be disclosed.


  83.D 84.A 85.C 86.B 87.A 88.B 89.A 90.A 91.D 92.A 93.C 94.A








