中英文傷感文案 傷感唯美英文句子帶翻譯最扎心的英文句子合集

中英文傷感文案 傷感唯美英文句子帶翻譯最扎心的英文句子合集

日期:2023-03-07 01:47:13    编辑:网络投稿    来源:互联网

中英文唯美傷感句子分享  you smiled and talked to me of nothing and i felt that for this i had been waiting long:你微微笑著,并未言語。但我覺得,為此我已等待了很久


  you smiled and talked to me of nothing and i felt that for this i had been waiting long:你微微笑著,并未言語。但我覺得,為此我已等待了很久。


  you know my loneliness is only kept for you, my sweet songs are only sung for you.你可知我百年的孤寂只為你一人守侯,千夜的戀歌只為你一人而唱。

  where there is great love, there are always miracles. 哪里有真愛存在,哪里就有奇跡。

  when someone loves none, he will fall in love with anyone around him. 當一個人誰都不愛的時候,他就可以愛上身邊的任何一個人。

  the most painful distance is you’re not around.那最痛的距離 是你不在身邊。

  the most fearful thing in the life is the darkness deep in your heart. but soul told us that u shall have courage as long as the heart beats.生命最大的恐懼,不過是來自于心底那個不去發現的黑暗,但是靈魂告訴我們,只要還有心跳,就一定有勇氣。

  the mind, sharp but not broad, sticks at every point but does not move心是尖銳的,不是寬博的,它執著在每一點上,卻并不活動。

  the key for happiness is not find a perfect person, but find someone and build a perfect relationship with him. 幸福的關鍵不在與找到一個完美的'人,而在找到任何一個人,然后和他一起努力建立一個完美的關系。

  the dry river-bed finds no thanks for its past.枯竭的河床,并不感謝它的過去。

  some habits, however, was to change.有些習慣,無論如何都改不了。

  no one indebted for others,while many people don’t know how to cherish others. 沒有誰對不起誰,只有誰不懂得珍惜誰。

  memory passing moment, you may think of what, i think i will think of you laughing記憶流逝的瞬間,你會想起什么,我想我會想起你笑的樣子。

  it’s often said that u will have the same life as the person u find. therefore, different choices make different endings.人們說,找到了什么樣的人就有了什么樣的生活,于是不同的選擇,就有不同的童話結尾。

  in ur life, there will at least one time that u forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love. just ask for meeting u in my most beautiful years.一生至少該有一次,為了某個人而忘了自己,不求有結果,不求同行,不求曾經擁有,甚至不求你愛我。只求在我最美的年華里,遇到你。

  if you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.如果你因失去了太陽而流淚,那么你也將失去群星了。

  if someone loves none, he may fall in love with anyone around him. 當一個人誰都不愛的時候,他就可以愛上身邊的任何一個人。

  eternity is not a distance but a decision. 永遠不是一種距離,而是一種決定。

  dreaming in the memory is not as good as waiting for the paradise in the hell 在回憶里繼續夢幻不如在地獄里等待天堂 。

  don’t forget the things u once u owned. treasure the things u can’t get. don’t give up the things that belong to u and keep those lost things in memory.曾經擁有的,不要忘記。不能得到的,更要珍惜。屬于自己的,不要放棄。已經失去的,留作回憶。









