

日期:2023-03-01 01:36:39    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源

小學英語期末測試卷  一、選詞填空, 將相應的.英文字母填在橫線上。  A. a pumpkin lantern B. each other C. camping site D. forget to write E. the first day F. ha


  一、選詞填空, 將相應的.英文字母填在橫線上。


  A. a pumpkin lantern B. each other C. camping site D. forget to write E. the first day F. having a Music lesson

  1. It’s ______of the new term.

  2. The children are at a______.They are having a camping trip.

  3. They would like to buy______for a Halloween party.

  4. Don’t_______‘Happy New Year‘on the card.

  5. We should help_______at school.

  6. The students are______in the music room.


  1.Shall we_______(學這首歌)? All right.

  2. Show us how to draw a star_______(在紙上)。

  3. Where’s the umbrella? It’s______ (在門后面)。

  4. There’s_____(一間大書房) in the new house.

  5. Let’s go and_____(尋找) Wang Bing.

  6. They_______(住在) a new house.

  7. My parents don’t work______(在晚上)。

  8. ______(所有的學生) are back at school.

  9. The children are_______在小山附近)。


  ( )1. Are there ______chairs in the sitting-room?

  A. some B. any C. a

  ( )2. I like_________and ______.

  A. running, jumping B. runing, jumping C. running, jumpping

  ( )3. I can play______basketball, but I can’t play______violin.

  A. the, the B. the, / C. /, the

  ( )4. Mike_____a tin of fish and they_____a telescope.

  A. have, has B. has, has C. has, have

  ( )5.New Year’s Day is coming. They would like_____some cards.

  A. to buy B. buy C. buying

  ( )6.Helen likes____but David likes .

  A. cakes, pies B. cake, pie C. cake, pies

  ( )7. There____two chairs and a bed in the bedroom.

  A. is B. are C. be

  ( )8. Can you come and help______my Maths?

  A. I with B. me of C. me with

  ( )9. Classes_____over. Yang Ling_____going back home.

  A. are, is B. is, is C. is, are

  ( )10. I’ll___and join______after school.

  A. go, they B. going, them C. go, them


  1. What can you______(do)? I can______(play) the guitar.

  2. Come and show us how_____(fly) a kite.

  3. What do you like? I like______(swim)。

  4. What_____(do) Helen have? She____(have) a chair.

  5. The_____(child) have a lot of things.

  6. They______show)their things to their teacher now.

  7. ______(be) there a blackboard in the classroom?

  8. He_______(not have) a lot of books.不變

  五、 從B欄中找出與A欄相對應的句子。

   A B

  ( )1. Where are you going? A. I can see a slide.

  ( )2. What does he have? B. All right.

  ( )3. Let’s go and join them. C. Yes, he can.

  ( )4. Do you like horses? D. Yes, there are.

  ( )5. What do they need? E. I’m going to the library.

  ( )6. What can you see in the park? F. No, I don’t.

  ( )7. Are there any pictures on the wall? G. No, there isn’t.

  ( )8. Can he fly a kite? H. They need some vases.

  ( ) 9. What’s Liu Tao doing? I. He has a tin-opener.

  ( ) 10. Is there a garden? J. He’s playing football.

  六、 根據提示,完成句子。

  1. 大樓里有多少間閱覽室?我不知道。

  _______reading rooms______there in the building?

  I don’t _______.

  2. 這個風箏是什么形狀的?是個星形。

  _______is the kite?

  It’s a_______.

  6. 你能來教我英語嗎?

  Can you _______and help me_______ my______?


  1. teaching, Miss Li, students, is, her, shapes, about (。)(連詞成句)


  2. She can draw a circle. (一般疑問句 )

  _________she_________a circle?

  3. I like tigers.(對劃線部分提問)

  _________do you_________?

  4. We need some blankets.(否定句)

  We _________need_________blankets.

  5. He has a box of chocolates.(對劃線部分提問)

  What_________he _________?

  八、 閱讀理解

  A. 閱讀短文,選擇正確答案。

  Mr and Mrs Smith have two sons and a daughter. They have a new house in the town. There are four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a study, a sitting-room, a dining-room and a kitchen in their house. There’s a football field(足球場)in front of the house and a beautiful garden behind the house. They also have two cars. Mr Smith is a doctor and Mrs Smith is an English teacher. Mr Smith often works on Saturdays and Sundays. They need a lot of money for the big family.

  ( )1. How many people are there in the family?

  A. Four. B. Five. C. Six.

  ( )2. The garden is the house.

  A. behind B. near C. in

  ( )3. How many rooms are there in the house?

  A. Nine . B. Ten. C. Eleven.

  ( )4. Does Mr Smith work on Saturdays and Sundays?

  A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. Sorry, I don’t know.

  ( )5. Is their family big?

  A. No, it isn’t. B. Yes, it is. C. I don’t know.

  B. 閱讀短文,判斷正(T)誤(F)。

  It’s Sunday morning. Nancy is having a birthday party at home. There are a lot of friends in her house. Mum is busy. She’s cooking delicious(美食)food in the kitchen. Dad is not at home. He is buying a present for Nancy. Jim, Jack and Sue are singing in the sitting-room. Helen is watching TV with Nancy. How happy they are!

  ( )1. The children are in Nancy’s house.

  ( )2. Dad is making a cake in the kitchen.

  ( )3. Jack is singing with Jim and Sue in the sitting-room.

  ( )4. It’s Saturday morning.

  ( )5. Nancy is not watching TV.








