雅思機考 2021 雅思考試時間和費用地點202111月

雅思機考 2021 雅思考試時間和費用地點202111月

日期:2023-02-28 12:32:04    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源

11月3日雅思考試機經  本次考試聽力部分難度不低,S2和S4的出題類型方面有比較大的變化。閱讀部分包含了生物,歷史以及心理學這三個常見話題。報告類大作文是很久沒有出現的,






  Section 1咨詢——課程介紹,10筆記

  Section 2介紹——事件說明,10筆記

  Section 3學生討論——講座討論,4配對+6單選

  Section 4講座——礦物資源發展變化研究,10選擇


  Section 1


  場景: 咨詢——課程介紹




  1. morning

  2. French styles

  3. the first Tuesday

  4. Bring money for food ingredient

  5. painting class

  6. brushes

  7. girl’s club

  8. 15th March

  9. room number: J52

  10. parking: next to station




  辨析是需要考生注意的。French約會有考生拼寫成Franch, Tuesday/March也是易錯點。


  Section 2

  新舊情況:06222 Section 2



  11. select tree with soft leaves

  12. house need not too close to the trees

  13. place between 10-15 meters

  14. secure the roof with no gaps

  15. clean the rubbish from roof

  16. remove gas tanks from the yard

  17. all the family members should be told

  18. bush fire usually occurred in October

  19. remember take a radio and batteries

  20. training for volunteer in 4 weeks


  解析: 本場考試的S2很意外地采用了10個填空題的形式,比較特殊。而且由于是句子填



  Section 3





  21. A rough

  22. C deep water

  23. E special

  24. F dangerous

  25. A water condition

  26. A a tank

  27. A how much

  28. B

  29. A

  30. A how animals suit the environment





  Section 4





  31. C unique

  32. B house

  33. C photograph

  34. B named after a doctor

  35. B

  36. C

  37-38. (答案待回憶)

  A. construction

  B. Food industry

  C. Animal and farming

  D. textile


  B. valuable

  D. rare resource


  解析: 本場S4為單選+多選混合的出題組合,由于S4中需要分析大量的冗余信息,所以讀題







  Passage 1:

  題材: 生物

  題號: 舊題

  題型: 判斷4+填空9


  文章提出了在海洋環境下"the bigger, the better"的理論。通過 Lizard Island Study的研究,講了 reef fish從小魚到成年魚的進化過程,以及哪種魚才是predator的捕食目標。珊瑚魚的體型特征與被獵取之間的關系。 例如動物的大小,動物的行走速度,視力等因素都對這個動物能否逃離被捕獵的`危險有影響。最后推翻該理論。


  判斷4 :

  1. 大的物種有生存的優勢是因為游得快。解釋:還有其他的原因:比如天敵的數量=> False

  2. 大的物種視力相對較好。解釋:文中提出體積大的物種相對有力量而且視 力發展較好。=>True

  3. 所有的early-juvenile fish呈現相同的特點。解釋:最后一段=> False

  4. Well-developed fish can swim faster. 解釋最后一段,并不一定=> False

  填空9 :

  Larval-stage: live in the (5. open sea) early-juvenile: live in (6. reef) 7. Lizard Island Study Difficulties: 8. 2-3 days; 9. predatory fish

  Passage 2:







  14. 中國19世紀用的貨幣是:silver ingots

  15. 泰國用虎骨做錢幣的原因:it is hard to obtain

  16. 用狗牙做項鏈: worth a higher value

  17. 用釀魚的一部分項鏈:the chief of a tribe

  18. Cross 貨幣如何制造的:pouring the melting iron in a sand mould.

  配對8 :

  19. Tanumu..gin:把銀質奢侈品融化制成

  20. obans:最重的日本貨幣

  21. Penny:形狀不能打破,否則失去價值和靈魂

  22. Cross :在津巴布韋地區依然沿用

  23. 巴比倫貨幣:現代貨幣的來源

  24. Japanese family tree: 用在亞洲北部的幾個國家

  25. dog teeth: 給自己的新娘準備的項鏈

  26. 鯨魚骨:宗教意義和部落首領

  Passage 3:


  題型:配對4 + 判斷5 + 細節配對5

  題號: 舊題


  Can you spot the difference?

  This failure to notice what should be very apparent is something we unconsciously experience every day as our brains filter the barrage of visual information which we are flooded with. And apparently it has a name; it is called change blindness.

  Scientists at Queen Mary, University of London, have invented a unique spot-the-difference-style computer game in order to Study Milan Verma, a scientist at Queen Mary, explains: "It's the phenomenon where seemingly striking or obvious changes are not noticed." He and his colleagues are asking volunteers to play the game-which involves looking at a screen as it flashes between two images of the same scene. "It flicks between a pre-change version and a post-change version of the scene," Dr Verma explains. "The volunteers simply have to press the button and tell us exactly when they spot the change."

  Trying out the game at Dr Verma' S office, my initial reaction was self-satisfaction; I spotted the difference in the first scene - a picture of a butterfly with orange stripes on its wings - almost immediately.

  In the pre-change scene the colorful insect had two stripes - one on each wing, and on the post-change, there was just one. Easy. Next? But I was quickly reminded that I am just as "change blind" as the next person. As an image of an iceberg scene with five penguins on it flashed in front of me, I stared blankly, unable to see a difference.

  “I will let you off - there is a lot going on in this image," Dr Verma reassured me. "But it is quite a big change." He had to give me a clue - directing me to the area of the image where the change occurred - before I realised that a whole chunk of iceberg was missing in the post change image.

  That represented one of the fundamental factors about change blindness; a whole chunk of iceberg might seem like an easier thing to spot than the stripe on a butterfly wing, but it is not as obvious to the human brain.

  "The butterfly image is easy because the changed scene violates our expectations/, explains Dr Verma."We expect butterflies to be symmetrical - to have two identically marked wings - so one that isn't really stands out to us.

  Neuroscientists, as well as developers of artificial intelligence, have been interested in this facet of human perception for many years. In fact, the Queen Mary team incorporate their biological findings into the design of robots - Studying the basis of human vision and perception in order to artificially recreate it.

  And Dr Verma says this might be the first truly unbiased scientific Study of change blindness. "Previously, scientists have studied this by manually manipulating pictures, "he said. "So they'd use... image manipulation software, make a deliberate change and then ask viewers: “Can you see the change, yes or no?” This, he says, is cheating. If a human scientist makes a change to a picture, they are making a very human decision about what and where that change is-- choosing to remove the bird from the corner of the park view, or to change the color of the sofa in a living room scene. "So they're making some subjective judgement about how noticeable they think the change is."

  In this Study, Dr Verma and his colleague and supervisor, Professor Peter McOwan, created an algorithm that meant the computer "decided" how to change the image. Professor McOwan told BBC News: "This is, as far as I'm aware, the first time ever that artificial intelligence [Al] technology has been used to generate experimental stimuli to test human percept ion." It brings together two interesting fields of study- Al and human perception. Dr Verma and Professor McOwen designed software that underlies the game's ability to make a change to each image. Dr Verma describes this as a "genetic algorithm". It essentially tells the computer to change the images in a process akin to evolution.

  “It's like a process of survival of the fittest,” explained Dr Verma. "Darwin suggested that a fit individual is one that can best survive in its Surroundings - like a moth that can camouflage with the bark of a tree." But in this case "fitness" is determined by the smallest difference between the pre-and post-change scenes, in terms of how attention-grabbing they are.



  27. B

  28. D

  29. E

  30. F


  31. False

  32. Not Given

  33. False

  34. False

  35. True


  36. C

  37. D

  38. E

  39. B

  40. G


  Task 1

  The charts below show the percentage of time adults spending in different leisure activities in a particular country in 1998 and 2010.


  The Percentage in 1998

  The Percentage in 2010

  Word count: 150

  The two bar charts illustrate how adults in a particular country spent their time in the years 1998 and 2010.

  It is clear that socializing with others was the most popular activity among adults while cooking and eating were relatively less popular over the 12-year period.

  In 1998, around 20% of adults preferred to socialize after work, and this figure went up to nearly 25% in 2010. 15% of grown-ups chose to do their hobbies and a 5% increase can be seen in this category after 12 years. At the same time, there was a slight rise in the shopping category, from 10% in 1998 to 15% in 2010.

  Few people kept reading as a habit, with only above 10% of adults reading in both years. Finally, it is interesting to note that people became less interested in cooking and eating, with less than 5% of them doing these two activities.

  TASK 2




  The world has many towns and cities constructed in previous centuries that are suitable and livable for people in those times. What problems will this cause today and what can be done to solve them?




  Modernization has considerably outpaced the construction of new cities, thus resulting in many troubles in people’s life. Under pressure, the government needs to identify them to reduce complaints from citizens.

  Commercial development gives a facility to urbanization in some cities where the basic infrastructure does not match the needs of enormous flows of dwellers. In some cases, the shortage of transportation means that the road would be blocked by vehicles especially during rush hours. This low efficient traffic can have negative implications on business to some extent. Apart from stagnated traffic, there are accommodation issues to be considered. This is because the advances of economy surely require large numbers of migrants. If single-storey constructions without necessary facilities including heating, sewage system and even electricity supply take a dominating place in city, it would be difficult for those workers to dwell comfortably.

  To solve the problems identified above, the most influential factor may be the government who is responsible for modifying the old cities. Perhaps viaducts are needed to accommodate more vehicles and underground traffic systems such as railways or underpass tunnels can serve to ease road traffic dramatically. Persuading estate companies to construct more functional concrete jungles would probably be an effective strategy to mitigate the terrible living or working conditions. It would also help to improve the overlook of city if some districts are demolished for central business areas, public parks or statues.

  Overall, the governors play a vital role in city development, and tax payers should have the awareness of maintaining their new cities.

  (256 words)




  1.an interesting song you liked in your childhood

  2.an interesting website you like to visit

  3.a large company that you are interested in

  4.a small business you want to start

  5.an activity you do to keep fit


  Describe an activity you do to keep fit.

  You should say

  What the activity

  When, where you usually do it

  How you do it

  And explain why it can keep you fit

  Speaking of an activity I do to keep fit, the first place that bumped into my mind is that I swim once a week, because swimming pool is near my home and I can go swimming anytime I want. When I was a child, my father taught me how to swim and I tried different kinds of position, such as freestyle, backstroke and butterfly stork. At first time, I was so scared, but my father encouraged me and I gradually tried my best to learn it. However, I really wanted to give up and I was not good sport, so my father told me that swimming was a good way to keep fit and swimming can burn calories. More importantly, if I fell into the water, it would keep me alive. Then, I got hang of it. Nowadays, I swim almost every week and it will cost me a lot of energy to swim. Now, I am slim because of swimming. Even though I am busy with my study, I still keep the habit of swimming.










