算是的英文 算是吧英語翻譯

算是的英文 算是吧英語翻譯

日期:2023-02-27 21:38:26    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源

算是的英語應該怎么說  算是的英文:  at last  參考例句:  That is a permissible metaphor  這算是一個適當的比喻。That is a permissible metaphor.  這算是一



  at last


  That is a permissible metaphor

  這算是一個適當的比喻。That is a permissible metaphor.

  這算是一個適當的比喻。 It's a painting of sorts.

  這勉強算是一幅畫。Actually, this was not a truce.

  這其實不算是一種休戰協定。William is in remarkably good shape for a man of his age.

  威廉在他這個年紀身體算是非常健康。After years of quarrelling we at last sent our cousins a Christmas card as an olive-branch.

  我們與堂兄弟多年不和,最后我們送給他們一張圣誕卡,算是化干戈為玉帛I can offer you some mushroom soup, compliments of the chef.

  我可以免費提供您一些蘑菇湯,算是廚師的一點敬意。He is something like an emissary of light, something like a lower sort of apostle

  他大大小小也算是一位光明的`使者,一位初級傳經布道的圣徒。These animals, though wild, were too much like domestic goats, and Franz could not consider them as game.

  這些動物雖然是野生的,但實在太像家養的山羊了,所以弗蘭茲認為這不能算是打獵。She's a bit of a bookworm.
