外貿索賠函英文 索賠商務英語對話

外貿索賠函英文 索賠商務英語對話

日期:2023-02-20 03:53:59    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源

外貿英語索賠口語對話   外貿中關于“索賠”的英語口語對話學習英語貴在堅持,找到適合自己的方法,多運用多溫故。這是小編給大家帶來的外貿英語索賠口語對




  G: Mr. Wang, we regret to inform you that the toys you shipped us do not accord with the required specifications in the contract, and we are compelled to lodge a claim against you.

  喬治:王先生,我們很遺憾地通知你,你 運送給我們的玩具與合同要求的規格不符,我們不得不同你們提出索 賠。

  W: Can you explain to me exactly what the matter is?

  王:具體是什么情況,你能給我解釋一 下嗎?

  G: After the arrival of the goods, we are surprised to find that some of them are seriously damaged. This is the certificate by the security department.

  喬治:貨物到達后,我們驚奇地發現其中 一部分嚴重受損。這是貨物安檢部 門的相關證書。

  W: Our packing is always very strong,and suitable for long distance transportation. There ought not to have issues.I am in the opinion that this may be caused by careless handling.

  王:我們的.包裝是很結實,而且適合 長途運輸的,不應該出現問題。 我覺得可能是由于操作不慎造成 的。

  G: No, after the arrival of the goods, I supervise there almost every day. And the certificate also clearly tells that due to the improper packing, the goods are damaged in transit.

  喬治:不是的,貨物到達后,我幾乎天天 都在碼頭監督。并且這個證書上也 明確說明了由于包裝不當,造成了 在運輸中貨物受損。

  W: Well, in view of our long and friendly relationship, I will meet your claim.


  G: Thank you for your friendly attitude.


  W: Then how do you want to solve it? I wish to hear your opinion.

  王:那你們想要怎么解決呢?我想聽聽 你們的意見。

  G: I think since you admit it is your fault, you should take full responsibility.

  喬治:我覺得既然這是你們的原因引起 的,你們應該負全部的責任。

  W: We will try our best to compensate you. We will give you reduction of 5% on price, and send the technical personal to repair the defective goods. How do you think about the suggestion?

  王:我們會想辦法補償你們的。我們給 你們降價5%,另外派技術人員把 壞的玩具修理好。你覺得這樣怎么 樣?

  G: That is great. But I do hope you will take care of your packing later.

  喬治:這樣很好。不過還是希望你們以后 注意產品的包裝。

  W: Thank you for your warning. We will. We didnt expect this situation, either. There will be no such thing again.

  王:謝謝你的提醒,我們會的。出現 這樣的情況是我們也沒有預料到 的。以后不會出現這樣的情況 了。









