別人激勵自己的英語作文 別人鼓勵你的作文

別人激勵自己的英語作文 別人鼓勵你的作文

日期:2023-03-15 02:31:19    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源

別人鼓勵我的英語作文(通用24篇)  在日常學習、工作或生活中,大家一定都接觸過作文吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,調節自己的心情。一篇什么樣的作文才能稱之為優秀作文呢?以下




  別人鼓勵我的英語作文 篇1

  From the first day I transferred to chengxianjie primary school, I always remembered my class teacher, Ms. Cao qian. Cao's medium height, short curly hair, beautiful flowing sea, elegant features, long and elegant appearance. Because she said the first words to encourage me, I changed! Be brave and confident. It was a dream! A dream!

  Remember one day, on Chinese classes in the morning, Chinese Cao Laoshi asked us a question, I wanted to think, psychological know an answer, but I'm not sure I made the right answer, still have some fear, afraid of wrong, the classmates laughed at me, so I didn't raise your hand, teacher roll call casually, only points to me!!!!!!! I quickly stood up, the in the mind some nervous, so anxious, legs are shaking, and then in the heart said to myself: "don't be nervous, just a speech", I get up the courage, I stammered out the answer, just say that finish, I frighten of tongue, hurriedly sat down, I never thought that Chinese Cao Laoshi should walk to the front of me, loudly say: "how nice! That's a great answer! ...... "I was stunned! Did the teacher say that I answered well? I even doubt my hearing! The teacher clap my shoulder suddenly, as the sunshine is warm, I suddenly wake up! Looking up, she said kindly to me, "why don't you raise your hand? You speak very well! Next time you should be brave to raise your hand. The teacher trusts you! Really! The teacher told me she believed in me! From that moment, I was filled with hope and confidence. Just because the teacher had a word, I overcame my inner fear! You are like the spring silkworm, dedicated yourself, warm others; You are like a gardener. Mr. Cao, I will never forget your kind words, never forget your tender eyes, never forget the first words you encouraged me, never forget everything you have...

  Teacher, your words of encouragement I will never forget.

  別人鼓勵我的英語作文 篇2

  Living in a big world, I see encouragement every day, I hear encouragement, I understand encouragement. But these encourage me to forget, can not forget the encouragement, is Chinese teacher zhang junling teacher to my composition encouragement.

  I remember when I started my composition class, I didn't have the heart to do it. At last, I finally put the composition together and handed it to Mr. Zhang. When I get for the manuscripts, see above all the many changes highlighted in red than mark, I immediately transfixed - teacher zhang wrote in my composition overall rating: the style is the man, you are responsible to class, don't believe to the thesis to cope with, are looking forward to your heart.

  Since then, I have never been careless with my work, because I know that the teacher looks forward to my good work.

  Encouragement is a cup of warm water, warm my heart; Encouragement is a sweet candy, sweet my heart; Encouragement is an ice cream that moistens my heart. Teacher thank you, make me change!

  別人鼓勵我的英語作文 篇3

  Maybe you like singers, Olympic athletes and movie stars. But my favorite is teacher gong.

  Teacher, I want to say to you: Mr. Gong, when we are going to sleep, you are correcting our homework for us at the desk. After correcting our homework, you are still preparing for our class at the table. I think we were asleep at that time.

  Mr. Gong, when I first stepped into the group of four (2) class, there was a feeling of joy and sadness in my heart. The reason why I am happy is that I can meet many new students and know a lot of rich teachers. The reason for my sadness is that I left my hometown, where I was born, and left my old classmates with deep feelings. That day, you let me introduce myself, I was very nervous when I on the platform, on tenterhooks, but when I heard the applause of the encouraged me, my heart calm a lot of, I began to introduce myself. After a few minutes, I introduced myself, and in the second round of applause, I was returned to my seat. After I sat down, the teacher praised me: "you are wonderful!" My heart was sweeter than my honey.

  Teacher gong, you are like a candle, burning yourself, lighting others, you enrich your knowledge and selflessly teach us; You are like the diligent gardener on campus, is you to add the beautiful scenery to the campus.

  Teacher gong, I wish you would stop working so hard, okay? I know you are doing well for us, but I hope you will have the proper rest, will you?

  Finally, I wish you: every day happy, peach plum full world!

  別人鼓勵我的英語作文 篇4

  I believe that the students in the study also have the exam poor, the mood is disappointed, at this time, who gave you encouragement, just let you regain confidence? Let me talk about it!

  It was a mid-term exam, and my language sucked up 74 points, so I used the word construction as an explanation. I forgot to do one problem, and the composition was badly written, and I was left with the point. I'm so sad to know that I've never had such a bad grade. The teacher began to tell the papers, and I was not in the mood to listen.

  After class, miss wang called me into the hallway, and I thought, this time, it will be "K". But the sight of the teacher's kindly face gradually faded away.

  The teacher whispered to me: "this test is not ideal, next time must work hard, the teacher believes you." I am confident that I will be able to score 90 points in the final exam. In the following days, I listened carefully and did my homework every day.

  Sure enough, the work was done. I did 92 on the final exam. Five points, got the praise from teachers and parents.

  There are many similar things in my study, I want to thank the teacher, without the encouragement of the teacher, I will not do so well.

  別人鼓勵我的英語作文 篇5

  In four years of study and life, I have taught my teachers a lot. They are like lamps that illuminate my way forward; Like a key, open the door of my heart; Like a seed to my childish heart.

  However, miss li impressed me the most, as if I had a scar on my mind that was hard to erase. I remember the mid-term examination in the previous period, my language score was not very good, the paper was not difficult, as long as I was careful, I could reach 90 points, while I scored 85 points. After the examination paper was issued, I looked at the bright red score and scolded myself. Immediately, regret, complaint, grievance and other complex mood, and intertwined in my mind. Just when I was most frustrated and helpless, miss li appeared before me. She said kindly to me, "what's the matter? Are you still unhappy about the score?" I nodded, and miss li said gently, "don't lose heart. What is this little setback? The life of a man has many hardships to go through. If you don't have the courage to face this little difficulty, how will you survive in this difficult world? "Without a thorough cold, how to have a plum blossom." Raise your head, don't be caved in, go ahead. Always say to yourself, 'I can do it! Listening to miss li's words, I thought to myself, "teacher li is right. The sunshine always comes after the storm. I shouldn't bow to difficulties." Suddenly, I regained my confidence and lit a fire of hope. I confidently say to teacher li: "teacher, you can rest assured, I will work harder." Miss li smiled and nodded.

  Teacher, I thank you very much! There is no smooth road on the road of study, for your encouragement has made me learn to overcome the difficulties on the way and win the final victory!

  別人鼓勵我的英語作文 篇6

  Among the teachers I know, some are quite strict and some are amiable. But he or she has one thing in common, which is to make us useful, not just to teach, but to encourage.

  Once, I was chosen by my teacher to be an English representative. When I was in English class, I took a long time to walk up to the lectern, which was because I first took the lead, and my heart was like fifteen rabbits. So I said to myself in my heart, "relax, just read." I screwed up my courage, but I told my classmates to open the second lesson. I was too nervous to read a word, and I was scared to spit out my tongue, and the teacher told me to recite the words by myself.

  Pull me aside and pat me on the shoulder. I thought, I will be "scolded" by the teacher again. The teacher said: "read aloud, fear not, a man is not like this! You know, a good student not only learns better, but also CARES about others. Go ahead, speak up. The teacher believes you can do it. From that moment, I was filled with hope and confidence. Just because of the teacher's words, I overcame my inner fear! You are like the spring silkworm, dedicated yourself, warm others; You are like a gardener. Teacher, I will never forget your kind words, never forget you encourage my first words, will never forget all your everything... I fixed my mind and stepped onto the stage. With the encouragement of my teacher, I led my classmates to study loudly and boldly. After class, the teacher praised me and said I was brave. Can get the teacher's praise, have a kind of unspeakable happy, in the heart beautiful, like eat honey same sweet.

  On the way to study, the teacher gave me great care and encouragement. I want to thank the teacher for education, I will always remember it!

  別人鼓勵我的英語作文 篇7

  "Encouragement" is the beacon of the journey of life, the lighthouse in the sea, the green state in the desert... "Encouragement" is a small act in life, a kind word, a caring eye...

  I remember it was the first day of the fourth grade. I drew a cartoon of the match, and I proudly showed it to my classmates. "How ugly! "Too long! "The clothes are ugly! This left one is not good-looking, the right person is not good-looking, the former is not good-looking, the latter is not good-looking, make me not very good meaning, low head. I made up my mind to draw it. I drew a man and a man, and the more I drew, until I could not bear it. I dropped my pen and leaned back in my chair. At this moment, "leaf" came over, she saw me wrong, then asked: "what?" "I said to her with a sigh. Be afraid the mouth of the mouth slightly raise, smile to say: "you draw the body short a bit, careful painting, try!" I carefully painted, I do not know if I think of my classmates' comments on me, I began to become irritable, all over the body. Leaf she found my irritant mood, gently said to me: "take your time, don't worry, come on!" She took out her pen, drew a matchmaker on the paper, and taught me: "this face is best square, with a little more expression... When she had finished, she said "come on" and walked away. The words calmed my restlessness. Maybe the word "come on" makes me feel a warm current spread all over my body, I have confidence, a painting of a painting. After the mid - term examination, I painted another picture, everyone said: "too good!" "Too meticulous! "Wonderful! I was very proud.

  Encouragement is the slurry in the sea of learning, a crutch in life.

  別人鼓勵我的英語作文 篇8

  When I was growing up, there were many people who gave me encouragement: huang, who gave me strength with a smile; Parents who encouraged me to climb up with both hands; With real words for my truth's classmates... Without exception, the people around me gave me encouragement, but I remember the most profound encouragement from my classmates.

  She was not tall, she was plain, but her words were amazing and her achievements were extraordinary. She is the study member of our class, xiao xin. I was on a par with her, but she was always the first, and I was the second. Once, when I surpassed her, I became very proud, and for this reason, my grades began to decline again. In the final exam of fifth grade, because of my carelessness, I got 96 points in math, and she was still the same -- 100 points. From then on, I made up my mind to never be proud again.

  I finally lost, just as I was trying to give up, xiao xin came up to me and said, "that's all right. What is the frustration? ! Where to fall and where to get up, hard work, will win!" Her words touched my heart, and from then on, I rallied. In the first few exams after school, I ranked first in the class with a score of 4 points higher than her! At first I thought I was trying to get it, but I didn't know until later that she was deliberately losing to me! She gave me confidence, courage, to go alone in this boundless fraction desert. In the sixth grade, I struggled to study, and finally became the class, even the first in the whole grade. This time, xiao xin did not let me, everything, it is I rely on sweat and painstaking efforts. In the future, we all study together and make progress together!

  She, will give me encouragement, let me progress, so, I want to give back to her with the grace of dripping water! Let's make progress together and learn from each other. Thanks for your encouragement!

  別人鼓勵我的英語作文 篇9

  At the end of the final exam, we were all in a nervous review. The teacher looked at our review and tested it.

  The teacher corrected the paper and said to us sternly, "this test is a complete mess. The only one in the class is one hundred. You say, will you do well in the final exam? !" We were scared out of the air.

  I thought to myself, I must have failed the exam! There is only one class. Can it be me?

  I heard the teacher say again, "I sent the paper down and went home to revise it three times."

  "Liu jinjiang" I hear first call oneself name, in the heart like chuang a small rabbit, thumping jump.

  "One hundred percent" the teacher said, with a happy look at me.

  What? Full marks? Did I hear you correctly? I got a full mark, and my heart danced with joy, and the stone fell from my heart.

  After school, xue Yang, a classmate, whispered to me, "you are wonderful! How did you do so well? Good luck on your final exam!

  I was very moved. On the battlefield of the final exam, I passed the five exams and got the perfect score. I feel that there is an important part of my achievement from xue Yang's encouragement.

  I learned the importance of encouragement, and xue Yang's encouragement strengthened my confidence. I think if other people need, I also must give him timely encouragement, make others happy, give others confidence, help others succeed.

  Encouragement is like a warm spring breeze, blowing in the hearts and mouths of many people. I will gently blow the encouraging spring breeze into the hearts of everyone...

  別人鼓勵我的英語作文 篇10

  The night is so quiet, there is no sound, a bright moon hung in the sky, the silver white moonlight sprinkles the whole world. I was lying in bed, thinking wildly, and I didn't even know what I was thinking. A gust of wind through the window into the room, blowing into my face, a kind of feeling that once had touched my heart, warm, cool, is so comfortable. Yes, it is, it is the power of encouragement, I have had it. The students, who are very young, have been encouraged by their parents, teachers and classmates since they set foot on the road of study. Sometimes it's just a look, a smile, a short word that can touch our hearts.

  It has been two and a half years since I was in the middle of the first two years. Maybe then I really felt the shock of encouragement. Once the head teacher smiled and walked into the classroom and said to us, "the school will select ten students to participate in the language competition in the city. I hope the students can register enthusiastically. "He always told us in this encouraging tone. At that time, I was filled with contradictions, how I wanted to participate, but maybe it was just a whimper. How did so many excellent students in the class come to my turn? Therefore, I am always absent - minded in class. One day, just as I was about to enter the class, the head teacher stopped me and said, "my god, did the head teacher find out that I wasn't paying attention in class?" I nervous walked into the office, I'm just low head, dare not face up to the teacher, the teacher in the affable mood said: "put forward by the class and teachers study decided to let you also to participate in the competition." When I started up with a vengeance, as if suddenly rose to heaven from hell, I raised his head and looked at the teacher hopes you smiling face, a pair of jiongjiongweishen eyes reveal a encourage eye seems to be saying "refueling ah, we look forward to hearing from you. Back in class, the students all crowded around me and you said, "we believe you... "Every word, every word, encouraged me so much that I gained momentum. When I told my parents who were working in the field, they seemed to forget their fatigue and smile and say, "if you have a chance, you must take good care of it. I knew it was their expectation and encouragement.

  When I entered the examination room, the teacher encouraged the eyes, the students encouraged the words, the parents encouraged the smile all rushed out, gave me enhanced confidence. I thought I could make them happy this time, but I felt a little guilty about the third prize. They gave me so much hope, so much encouragement, and I... When I was afraid to face the teachers and classmates, they once again encouraged me to learn. "This is only your first time to attend, and there will be plenty of opportunities for you to take your time. Don't let one mistake affect my future study, and this exam is a little difficult... "Is it true? I knew it was their encouragement to me, like a hand pulling me back from the edge of depression. This inspires me!

  The road of the future is longer and more arduous, and we need our unremitting efforts. I believe that maybe I will do better, because I live in encouragement. I'm really happy.

  The night is still so quiet, the sky is dotted with countless stars, perhaps tomorrow the sun will be more brilliant.

  別人鼓勵我的`英語作文 篇11

  Everyone will encounter setbacks, suffering, and failure, but failure is the mother of success, in my most suffering, and the worst of the day is a relationship with me is not very good tomboy accompany I had the worst day!

  I remember that since I was seven years old, I have started to contribute, and every time I can get in, there is a piece of my writing that I have not been able to get into. I have lost confidence in writing.

  One time, the tomboy next to me said, I dare say that jiang chu-wei wrote a composition that was not good enough for the whole family to die.

  Then, tomboy ran up to me and said jiang chong wei though you fail, old saying well said failure is the mother of success when everyone has failed don't cry because it is a bit a bit disappointment gave up writing come on I believe you!

  Because his words burned my fighting spirit and ignited my confidence.

  I began to write seriously the sunshine always after the wind and rain my composition into the happy cheer!

  Whenever I meet with setbacks, I will think of my classmates!

  Thank you for being a tomboy. I would never have been writing without you.

  Dear classmates, thank you!

  Because you and I have improved in writing, because your confidence is back. Morale is burning, honor is back, thank you!

  別人鼓勵我的英語作文 篇12

  In fact, encouragement is sometimes very simple, can be a glance of approval of the eye, can just send a warm words, or just a touch of the head, clap a shoulder, a palm...

  On this Saturday, I was worrying about how to get the low score in Chinese, how to improve it? Just a few minutes after I thought about it, I remembered what my English teacher said to me in fifth grade. Words of encouragement.

  Before I was in fifth grade, English scores were often more than 70. Alas, don't know, say you jump. In fact, you don't look at my English score of 70 is still medium, most of my tests are covered, and when I was cheating with my good friends. You don't know how hard it is for me to mix up English in these four years. I know almost nothing about English, and I am full of complaints about English: why do you have to learn English? English is not to grow up with foreigners to communicate or go abroad to do business? I don't want to learn, I will not talk to foreigners, even if I want to talk to foreigners, do not have to learn English, please a translator!

  When I was in fifth grade, my teacher changed and my English scores changed a lot. "I'm going to listen to the English words tomorrow. I'll remember them." The next day, I dictated a score of 100. I scored 100 points in a few days. Got 80 points, until the teacher called me to his office, with encourage the heart said to me: "XiaoKai, you are a clever boy, I'm sure you line, the examination can test to more than 80 points." It is because of this sentence that my English is full of confidence: oh, what is English, if I work hard, I can get 80 points. In a blink of an eye, the English exam was coming, and I looked at the test paper and was full of confidence in myself. "oh, I can read all of them, I can translate well, I can get 80 points completely by myself this time." So I finished my English test with a pen. A few days later, my English test paper showed a bright red number 83.

  My teacher's encouragement gave me confidence to create miracles in my encouragement. I sensed encouragement. Encouragement will help you when you are frustrated. Will show you when you are in trouble; Will inspire you in your pain. Let us feel encouragement!

  別人鼓勵我的英語作文 篇13

  In our life, if you want to succeed, we can't only depend on own strength, also need help from others, encourage, because only in this way, can let yourself with confidence to go forward, so as to achieve the purpose, the double ninth festival on the day of climbing is confirm this.

  It was a crisp autumn day. So my father took me and his colleagues to climb the third highest mountain in jialing county. This time it is a veritable mountain climbing - sometimes it takes a lot of hands and feet to climb. When it comes to climbing the mountain, it's unforgettable!

  The road up the hill was really hard, it was rugged and steep. I'm going to hold the tree next to me. When I was about a third of the way, I was sweating and tired. "I said," I can't. I can't climb. Then I heard my uncle and auntie say to me, "don't give up, don't you climb so long if you don't keep it? Come on, you can do it. My uncles and aunts encouraged me to get back up and be determined to get to the top of the mountain. So I took my father's hand in one hand and climbed the tree with one hand.

  In this way, with the encouragement of my uncle and aunt, I went to the goal of "must climb up" and finally climbed to the top. Standing on the top of the mountain, the mountains were surrounded by mountains, a mountain peak wearing a thin gauze "hat"...

  Facing the autumn wind blowing slowly, I really want to shout "I defeated myself, I succeeded!" I thanked my uncles and aunts for encouraging me, and I told myself, "don't let them down." Listening to your encouragement, I encouraged myself: "make sure you do your best, and you can do it!" Your encouragement made me feel the joy of success, and I couldn't have climbed to the top without you. And, more importantly, you let me understand: a man's success depends on others' encouragement, if a person has forward the goals, tenacious perseverance, perseverance, and encourage others, so he will be able to reach the pinnacle of my life!

  Look, how important the power of encouragement is!

  別人鼓勵我的英語作文 篇14

  Encouragement is a kind of help to others, encouragement is a kind of giving to others, but the teacher gives me encouragement is a kind of trust.

  Primary school third grade is my study the climax of "price", we change the new teacher in charge at the same time, my heart is more scattered, but when the moment I walked into the classroom, I was she stirred, watery big eyes looking at you, that a wrinkled smile bloom in front of you, face to face, I involuntarily said: "teacher, hello!" "Hello! Ah! -- what a warm word! I was a little embarrassed, I ran back to my seat quickly, and there was a book to hide my shame.

  Next, miss sun began to run for captain and captain. The students all put forward the best person in their hearts, and I just read quietly. Just after all the classmates put up, a voice startled me, "ah, wang xiaoyue, ok?" "Not so good! "Don't choose! Wang must be the first squadron leader. Miss sun and I heard it, and I was so ashamed that I buried my head in the book, but sun, who was big and powerful, wrote my name on the blackboard. However, I ended up with two votes and was eliminated from the tournament with a small number of votes. Teacher sun said, "wait! Miss sun waved and said, "maybe she didn't get rid of it! I vote too! "Ah... "Because I like this girl, her every move touched me!" This sentence shocked me, although I am very bad, but get the teacher's encouragement, I made up my mind, with those good classmate's goal to sprint.

  "Because I like this girl, her every move touched me!" It's the warmest word I've ever heard. For me this kind of difference, teachers are usually ignored, but sun teacher for me, is the only one to shine so bright smile, that smile for difference, you don't have that kind of warm, is the taste that give, is a source of encouragement, you from the darkness to a catch up. That taste is so memorable.

  "Because I like this girl, her every move touched me!" Let me smell that love.

  別人鼓勵我的英語作文 篇15

  Encourage like a cup of warm water, warm people's heart; Encourage like a sweet, sweet heart; Encourage like stimulant, happy person's heart. Even a smile, a look, a word, a little bit of life, can make us happy. I don't know if you've been encouraged? I was encouraged.

  When I was in primary school, I had a bad grade. I had to be a "good young pioneer". My composition was very bad, and my parents had to change a lot of things for me. Since I entered the junior high school, my grades have increased and my composition has improved a lot. Guess why I progressed so quickly from middle school? It all depends on the teacher's encouragement. Because I got A+ for every composition I submitted, whether I wrote it well or not, it was A+, and he also wrote in the exercise book "you have made progress and you need to work harder." "And that boosted my confidence.

  My progress depends not only on the teacher but also on my parents. I was so stubborn that I was always beaten by my parents. My homework was always late. When I was about to take the midterm, my mother told me that if I did well in the exam, I would award me MP4. Or take me out to play. I was very happy, and I worked hard, got a good grade, and was praised by my parents.

  Of course, students are no exception. Since junior high school, I have written the composition for my classmates at home. I asked them how I wrote. They all say I write well. So my confidence grew stronger. I write better every time I write.

  Without encouragement, my grades would not have risen. Without encouragement, my composition will not be well written. Without encouragement, I am not confident.

  別人鼓勵我的英語作文 篇16

  A smile, a look, a word... There are different ways to encourage. For me, if I had not been encouraged by my mother, I would not have seen the beauty of the waterfall.

  Last summer, we went to changbai mountain to visit, and we agreed to visit the famous cave waterfall. The tourist bus pulled us to the parking lot, and from there we were going through the original forest of more than 5,000 meters, looking at the "emerald green sea", and I was ready to try. At first, I walked quickly, leaving the others far behind. In the embrace of nature, I heartily listen to the bird's crisp and graceful song; To enjoy the shade of the dense green leaves that weave together; The grass was looking for wild flowers with faint scent and small mushrooms with umbrellas. Walking, I already tired panting, legs like lead more and more heavy, originally very light backpack is like a hill, I was weighed down to, "alas," I thought, "if I had known so tired, I will not come out to play." Although the sound of the waterfall has been heard, the thought of giving up is getting stronger and stronger. At this time, mother rushed up, she seemed to see through my mind, smiled to ask: "what, baby, is not tired? Only a few hundred meters, right away, do not insist, how can you appreciate the beauty of the waterfall?" "And she gave me another encouraging look. I looked up at the sign. It was only five hundred meters. Why should I give it up? Glancing at my mother, I said aloud, "mom, I can do it." So I picked up the pace, gradually, the outline of the waterfall finally appeared in my sight, one step, two steps, three steps... I ran.

  Standing on the observation platform beside the waterfall, listening to the symphony of water, the water droplets of the cool silk splash into my face. It is "flying down three thousand feet, and the Milky Way has nine days"! I couldn't help but revel in it.

  Mother's words, mother's eyes, gave me encouragement, let me stick to the end, feel the beauty of the waterfall.

  別人鼓勵我的英語作文 篇17

  In the six years of primary school, the most unforgettable thing for me is the encouragement to keep my diary, which I will never forget.

  That day, miss gao wrote an article. It's about correcting our diaries. She read to us in class. The soft voice of the stream is flowing. It was incredible to me that I suddenly heard my name and called me "lucky classmate". When miss gao read the name, I decided that it was the most unforgettable encouragement in my six years of primary school.

  "Today, I read the diary of my classmates." The familiar name of miss gao reminded me that I had never been called before, except by my parents. At this moment, I felt that miss gao, like my other mother, constantly gave me the strength to move forward. Also because of this name, many students' eyes are transferred to me. And my face went red. "Come on! Miss gao looked at me with a gentle eye as she put down the paper, and the corners of her mouth turned a beautiful curve. As the music lingered, I smiled. I believe this smile is full of gratitude to miss gao and a promise to keep a diary in the future. I thought that the high teacher's encouragement has pored over out, didn't expect high teacher to added that she USES for half an hour after reading my diary, also left a full page of "calligraphy". I picked up my notebook carefully, only to feel that the book was heavy and heavy enough to stay on each word for a while. I watched it carefully. The first paragraph of the first paragraph said that she had spent half an hour thumbing through all my previous diaries. Although it was the second time I felt it, I was touched. The second paragraph says my diary makes her crazy. As my fingertips slipped to the last word, the last two words "come on!" I feel this encouragement again. This is my most important encouragement.

  Then, every time I turn to this page, I feel a surge of gratitude. Thank you, teacher. Thank you for your encouragement. It gives me infinite power.

  別人鼓勵我的英語作文 篇18

  Looking back on the past, looking at the childish footprints, including the parents' care, the teacher's help, the classmates' support. They encourage words like the spring breeze gently brush my injured heart, let me more confident to face the difficulties and setbacks, to the highest point of life.

  Parental care

  The care of my parents, like the warm sunshine, brought me confidence, accompanied by the growth, from the time I was born crying. I remember once in my dream, a monster chasing me, I "ah!" The mother, who was sewing, came running in two steps, and her mother, who had just been stung by the needle, ran over to me and said, "it's just a dream, don't be afraid!"

  Teacher's help

  The teacher's help, like the spring rain moistens me, because she's careful teach, I became more and more progress, when I was an ignorant child, respect for teachers has produced a strange, when I was in primary school when I became more and more feel the greatness of her, when I test scores to my satisfaction, I will I will be with excited to find teacher appreciation vision, when I test scores than I want, I will be looking for the teacher encouraged eyes with sad eyes. I remember one time, I only got 81 in my Chinese exam. 5, just as I was looking for the teacher's eyes, the teacher gave me a cold stare, then explained my mistakes to me, said that I should continue to work hard and left.

  Student support

  My classmates' silent support and encouragement is the biggest support for me. I remember one time, when I was the captain of the road, 70 percent of my classmates chose me as captain of the road. I thought it was very strange. They all knew that I was fierce and made me the captain of the road. After the class, ice told me that they chose me because they thought that they could manage the team well. The students' trust in me gave me the confidence to work hard to be responsible for the team leader.

  Encouragement is a strong cup of coffee. When I am weak, I will feel refreshed. Encouragement is a clear spring in the desert. When I am thirsty, I can only drink a few mouthfuls of strength. Encouragement is bread. Eating one when you are hungry will not make you hungry. In this warm encouragement, I learned to be brave, strong, and learn to live a better life.

  別人鼓勵我的英語作文 篇19

  Life is like a bouquet of flowers. Life is like a cup of tea, careful taste, can appreciate the real taste.

  We should learn from our failures, from our successes, from our lives. Life is like a flower; Life is like a song, beautiful and beautiful; Life is like wine, fragrant and pure; Life is like a poem, with profound meaning. Life is a life, you need encouragement. Life is deep and long, always need to struggle, the struggle, like the beauty of the tree. Is to show in the struggle wind blows rain beating like the spirit of the sky soaring. Life is wonderful, after the end, in no small, all need to comfort and encourage, love in the long, love in forever! Toddlers need encouragement and encouragement. When he fell, he needed the will to stand up, when his mother applauded him and cheered him on. He stood up, his mother cheering for him. The sick man has no will, no hope of survival, so he needs encouragement. He saw that he had the will to fight the devil and finally he survived. A rich man, for whatever reason, suddenly became a pauper. He also needs encouragement.

  One's own kin cannot sit still. He should be encouraged to give him confidence. Inspire him with love and cheer him up. He must be confident and successful again. Everything around you needs encouragement and courage, and life in front of you requires people to help each other and encourage each other.

  別人鼓勵我的英語作文 篇20

  From small to large, there are many people who have told me many encouraging words. When I am not ideal, my parents will encourage me: "don't be sad, you will do well next time." When I get good grades, the teacher will encourage me: "you have to work harder and harder to get to the next level." When I encounter setbacks in the journey of life, my friends will encourage me: "how can a person's life be plain sailing? Fall down, get up, start all over again, and be confident in yourself."

  In these encouraging words, I spent my primary school career and entered the high school gate.

  Faced with the new environment, new teachers and new classmates, I came to the vast prairie like a pony, excited, curious, and somewhat dazed: can I learn all the lessons? So many students, can I get along with them?

  In the first week, the teacher made me a monitor. Although I have had years of "squad leader" and work experience, I honestly have no idea. No, not a few days, the agony came --

  Students come from villages and towns, and don't know much about each other. There needs to be a "running-in" process. I don't have much authority in my class, and some people don't listen to me. So when the teacher was away, the students seemed to have a lot of words, and the class was chattering like a pot of boiling porridge. It makes me feel uneasy.

  The head teacher also found this. He found me and encouraged me to say, "you are the monitor, no matter who makes mistakes, you should let them go, and don't worry too much. You need to establish authority among them as soon as possible. Remember, the teacher is always your strong backing... "

  Listening to the teacher's words, my heart is warm, learning and work more confident.

  "Road manman, I will go up and down." Please rest assured that I will not fail you and your classmates' expectations and try to do all the work in the class.

  別人鼓勵我的英語作文 篇21

  Parents not only give birth to us, but also bring us up and have a great influence on us. As a student, I strongly feel that my parents have a positive effect on my study. Here I'd like to share with you some examples.

  When I was small, I began to pick up English letters. I was so inpatient that I started to move around from time to time after being seated for 5 minutes. It was my mother who stopped me and encouraged me to keep on, promising to reward me 1 yuan after I finished learning 5 letters. I became inspired and succeeded in learning the 5 letters.

  As I grew older, I became frustrated from time to time because of failing an exam. My father never scolded me, but instead encouraged me not to give up and advised me to find where I did poorly. Taking his suggestion, I finally made progress.

  After being a high school student, I was more mature and independent. My parents no longer encouraged me with words, but inspired me with their action. Whenever I weakened and wanted to have a rest, I saw them busily occupied with their work, I felt ashamed and went back to my own job. They set a perfect example to me.

  Parents influence their children in every aspect and I am blessed with such excellent parents.

  別人鼓勵我的英語作文 篇22

  It is said that Chinese parents are the world’s most responsible parents, since the kids are born, they start to plan everything for the children, they choose the school, the kids’ hobby even the kids’ partners. Chinese parents want to raise their kids to be the excellent ones, they put so much hope on the kids. While it is also said the Chinese kids are the world’s most unhappy kids, because they live as what the parents tell them, they don’t have their own thinking. Both sides reflect Chinese family situation that the parents give the children too much pressure, the children feel unhappy about their parents’ expectation. Indeed, I feel the way, my parents always want me to be the No.1, they tell me I should get the highest score, I feel tired, I tell them how I feel, then they begin to realize their expectation has become a burden for me. parents should give space to their kids.

  別人鼓勵我的英語作文 篇23

  "Who made the heart-inch grass, at a three chunhui." A mother's love is deep, the great, even a tiny thing, even if it is a very ordinary action, it is behind the love was enough to touching, SOB. My mother always encouraged me in my most difficult; The most need to talk to listen to my voice.

  In the third grade, I also don't write a composition, is mother, I write, often at the time of writing, she always said: "remember? Later can want to write their own!" I always obedient nod.

  I don't know what the reason, then, I like writing, often write some small flowers, grass and small animals, my mother watching, always praise me write well!

  I encouraged, after the second confidently began to write again, at that time, the mother of wowing wwe has always inspired me, let me so confident, I think I will be able to become a writer.

  Remember when in fourth grade, the teacher encourages us to contribute. I think that somehow I was well written composition in the class, why don't you try it? At home, I can't wait to put down the bag, ready to get up. I write the composition were all turned out, one is a choice, modify, even forget to eat. After the modification, stamp and send out. In those days, I everyday full of expectation, think your composition must be selected.

  別人鼓勵我的英語作文 篇24

  I love my mother very much, he in my life and learning, paid a lot of effort. I have great respect for mother, because mother love is great.

  On one occasion, the mother call I eat calcium tablet, I asked my mother: "why don't you eat, is only a child can eat?" Mother said: "if I eat, you can't eat, later also how to grow taller! Stupid!" "Hum!" I will scatter the charming.

  Every time, when I saw mother doing health, I will say: "mom let me help you to do a little?" But she said, "oh, mind your own business!" I asked: "just a little!" He retorted: "line, you have to do is to study well, hurry up to write my homework!" I have no words to say, have to skip a mouth to go back to the homework, but looked at her tired, I also don't have the heart to, I can only stop.

  One day, I got sick, mom hurried from the cupboard to I took the medicine, then turned to buy medicine. Although this is often the case, but I can see from the mother's facial expression, he also very worried. After mother left, I have been in the blame myself, mother is very tired, since I was ill, don't let the person worry. Said, "I quickly jumped out of bed, pull open curtain, fierce sunshine on my body, I was mad to less than five minutes, then I full head big sweat, I then jump, jump jump more than 10 minutes, I have fallen exhausted, I realized, I am a little better, I'm happy to have jumped," ding dong, ding dong!" Ah, my mother came back, yeah! I open the door, mother saw me jumping full house, ask me doing, I say: "jump jump hard body will sweat, sweat more will be good!" I have some pride, "how do you know?" Mother asked, "the last time you told me!" I smile hee hee, mother looked at me and smiled.










