2016六年級暑假英語作業答案下冊 2016六年級暑假英語作業答案人教版

2016六年級暑假英語作業答案下冊 2016六年級暑假英語作業答案人教版

日期:2023-03-06 02:54:22    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源

2016六年級暑假英語作業答案  一年一度的`暑假已經來啦,暑假既是大家放松的時候,也是同學們查缺補漏的好時間,現在yjbys小編為同學們準備了2016六年級暑假英語作業答案,一起來




  F T F T F

  What do you like? Does he like drawing?

  Does Mr Li like riding a bike? How does he go to school?


  B B A B A

  Last Sunday, my family went to plant trees. Dad dug holes in the ground. Then mum put the trees into the holes. After that we put down the soil together. At last, I watered the trees. We were very tired, but we were very happy. Because we want to make our homeland more beautiful.


  hospital, policeman, bookshop, across turn, on of

  at home, March 7th, many banana trees, come back to school, 春節,一場足球賽,在山洞的墻上,上周

  watched, was, planted, visited, liked, pulled, did, collected, tasted, made, picked, told


  green, leaves, come, sing, hottest, rainy, second, closes, gold, white

  T F F T F T


  Library, Tree Planting Day, visit, buildings, holiday, yesterday,

  textbook, lived, post office, waste A C B A B P30 F F F F F B C B A B C B C B A


  exciting, told, ran, interesting, sad, men, watches, am, him, themselves,

  I, wouldn’t B A A A A B swimming, brought, take, player, to make


  tallest, to go, to tell, is singing, interested C A B B C P33 B A A C C

  paints, bag/schoolbag, glue leaf, kitten, kangaroo, banana P34 Swimming is his favourite sport.

  She is a teacher.

  Yes, she is.

  He often plays football after school. He wants to go to the library.

  world, dinosaurs, shy, tear, year, worst, stairs, blare P35 D A B B B B C D C A D


  B C C B B B D B C D T F T F T P38 T F T F T C A C D A B A A B C


  ow, reat, ent, ime, isit, aw, layed, wimed C C A B A B A A C P40 keep, waste, cut down, hunt, clear, make, shouldn’t, should, save,


  He is a homely lion.

  He does not hunt for his food.

  He dreams about running in the forest.


  Were was, wrote, visiting, Did did, is singing and dancing, does,


  We should 2 3 6 7 We shouldn’t 1 4 5 8


  There is restaurant on the main street. On the left of the restaurant

  is a clothes. On the right of it is a grocery shop. Because the lion at the zoo is not like a real lion.

  var cpro_psid ="u2572954"; var cpro_pswidth =966; var cpro_psheight =120;

  Because he is lonely. Because he doesn’t roar. P43 B C C A


  C A B C A C B C A B


  New Year’s Day, the Spring Festival, Tree Planting Day,

  April Fool’s Day, Labor Day, Mother’s Day, Children’s Day, Father’s Day, Army Day, Teachers’ Day, National Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas

  Disneyland, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, CN Tower, the Niagara Falls, Sydney Opera House, Eiffel Tower(埃菲爾鐵塔), the White House(白宮), the Great pyramid(大金字塔), Taj Mahal(泰姬陵) B A D F C P46 c f b e d a

  A monkey.

  He want to go back to the forest. Please don’t eat him.


  carefully, millions, something interesting, for, on, making, shouldn’t,

  along, bought, are I was born in Tianjin.

  I go to school on foot every day. /On foot. Twice a year.

  I like math best. I think it is interesting. We learn in many different ways.


  We must 2 3 4 6. We mustn’t 1 5 7.

  No, he doesn’t. He keeps his promise. He hugs the monkey.

  He is going to the forest to see his friends.


  He must call the doctor. He is going to visiting your school.

  He can go with you. He comes from America.

  He likes ice cream. He doesn’t live here.

  He was at school yesterday.

  out, from, off, for, in, at, with, along, of, on B P50 C C C C A A C forest, real, feed, hunts, plays


  me, holidays, went, for, was, too, visited, Spring, watched, interesting,


  is, In, help, cook, Then, visit, play, with, at, have B A B A


  B A C A C C

  Last week. In a big park. It was very windy. It was in the zoo. No, it didn’t. Because it was in the zoo. P53

  second, best, writing, families, south, drew

  the Spring Festival, the Summer Palace, the Great Wall, Disneyland, plant trees, take photos/pictures, help each other, by plane/air

  Where were you? Where, How much, What’s, How did you learn? making, swimming, went, longest, clean B P54 C C C C B B A F T F T


  knives, are cutting, to buy, to eat, was, didn’t have, B B C C A


  greener, things, begin, cotton, leather, oceans, them, good, hunt, around He likes playing with clay. He makes many cars and trunks with clay. Yes, he does. This hand is the dirtiest in the would. Yes, he is clever./ No, he often forgets to wash his hands. P57 C A B A B B

  Teacher’s Day, National Day, Tree Planting Day, New Year’s Day, Women’s Day, Children’s Day

  done, worked, pairs, solved, most, friendly, parents, obey, behave, pleased



















