

日期:2023-02-21 08:06:09    编辑:网络投稿    来源:互联网

小學升初中英語試題精選  一、判斷下列畫線部分讀音是否相同,相同的畫“√”,不同的畫“×”。(8分)  ( ) 1. that mouth ( ) 2. tree sleep  ( ) 3. Japan Japanese (




  ( ) 1. that mouth ( ) 2. tree sleep

  ( ) 3. Japan Japanese ( ) 4. beef feel

  ( ) 5. kite fish ( ) 6. hot over

  ( ) 7. have name ( ) 8. his this


  1. 一次重感冒 _________________________

  2. 四點一刻 _________________________

  3. 跟我學英語 _________________________

  4. 掃地 _________________________

  5. 一個有趣的'中國人 ___________________

  6. 值日 _________________________

  7. a camping trip ____________________

  8. surf the Internet __________________

  9. lie on one’s back _________________

  10. at once _______________________

  11. say goodbye to their teachers __________________

  12. catch insects ____________________


  ( ) 1. Mr Wang and his students _____ a lesson now.

  A are having B had C have

  ( ) 2. – Yang Ling like football?

  -- Yes, she ____.

  A Does;does B Do;do C Do;does

  ( ) 3. – What ____ under the bed?

  -- There are some footballs.

  A are B is C /

  ( ) 4. Look, the boy can ____.

  A skating B skate C skates

  ( ) 5. – Do you like _____ chess?

  -- Yes, I do.

  A playing B plays C play

  ( ) 6.I have a telescope;my sister ____ one, too.

  A have B / C has

  ( ) 7. Let’s buy a ____ for our grandparents.

  A New Year Card B new year card C New Year card

  ( ) 8. -- ___ day is it today?

  -- It’s Tuesday.

  A What’s B What C Which

  ( ) 9. – May I _____ Helen?

  -- This is Helen speaking.

  A speaking B speak C speak to

  ( ) 10. Ann’s hobbies _____going shopping and taking photos.

  A is B are C have

  ( ) 11. What’s wrong _____ you?

  A for B of C with

  ( ) 12. My family ____ in China now.

  A living B lives C live

  ( ) 13. His sister _____ school at ten past seven.

  A go to B goes to C goes

  ( ) 14. David comes from Australia. He is ____.

  A an English man B an American C an Australian

  ( ) 15. The students are talking about their weekends _____ Friday afternoon.

  A on B in C at


  1. for, fridge, and, the, the, fish, in, the, are, milk, me(.)


  2. mother, your, weekends, how, does, spend, her(?)


  3. me, can, show, excuse, you, the, way, the, cinema, to, me(?)


  4. John, seven, to, goes, at, past, school, half(.)



  1. – Who is the man?

  -- He’s _____ (my /mine) father.

  2. I have a hat. _____ (It’s /Its) white.

  3. – Are those your coats?

  -- No, they are ____ (their / theirs).

  4. We have a football here. But _____ (their / theirs) is in the classroom.

  5. – Whose is this T-shirt?

  -- It’s _____ (my / mine.)

  6. – Can I have a look?

  -- Sure, _____ (your / yours) is over there.

  7. – Is this _____ (her / hers) sweater?

  -- Yes, it is.

  8. Here’s a picture of _____ (our / ours) school. May I have _____ (your / yours)?


  Ⅰ Ⅱ

  ( ) 1. Are you ready for supper? A. Don’t worry. I’ll show you.

  ( ) 2. Do you want to visit the Great Wall? B. Let’s go and see.

  ( ) 3. I don’t know how to use chopsticks. C. Yes, a lot.

  ( ) 4. Are you taking any medicine? D. Not yet.

  ( ) 5. What do they have? E. Yes, I do. I hope I can get there.


  John lives in a new house. He likes playing in a river. But there isn’t a river near his new house. He is not happy.

  One day he asks his mother, “Is there a river near here?” “No, there isn’t,” his mother says. “But here, has a garden.” “But it’s very small, I don’t like it,” John says.

  One morning, his mother says, “There is a beautiful park near here, and there is a pool in it. We’ll go there in the afternoon.” John is very happy.

  After lunch, John and his mother go to the park, and he plays in the pool. And his mother is watching him under a tree.

  ( ) 1. John lives in the new house _______.

  A in the park B near a river C with a garden

  ( ) 2. He likes playing _______.

  A in his new house B in a river C in the garden

  ( ) 3. There isn’t ______ near his new house.

  A a river B a park C a garden

  ( ) 4. John and his mother go to the park _______.

  A in the morning B in the afternoon C in the evening

  ( ) 5. John can play ______ and he is very happy.

  A in the river B in the garden C in the pool


  星期天,來自美國的小朋友John到Wang Ming家做客,他們會說些什么?
















