簡單的英語聽力小短文 英語簡單聽力材料

簡單的英語聽力小短文 英語簡單聽力材料

日期:2023-03-12 19:35:12    编辑:网络投稿    来源:互联网

簡短的日常英語聽力練習材料  對于每日的英語聽力材料來說,我們可以選用一些比較簡短的。這樣的練習就足夠日常的練習了。下面就為大家送上一些簡短的日常英語聽力練習材料





  Laurance- What kind of a car do you have?

  Soony--- An old one.

  Laurance- I know it's old, but what make is it?

  Soony-- - It's a Chevrolet. Why do you ask? You going into

  the car business?

  Laurance -Nothing like that. My cousin is going to take a

  job overseas and he can't take his car with him, so

  he's going to sell it - cheap. It's practically new.

  Soony--- WelL I have been thinking about getting a newer

  car. I can't afford a brand new one.

  Laurance- Would you like to look at my cousin's car?

  Soony--- Is it a four-door or a two-door?

  Laurance- It's a coupe with a vinyl roof.

  Soony--- Does it have automatic transmission?.

  Laurance- Yes, and it also has power steering, power brakes,

  and air conditioning.

  Soony--- I guess I might take a look at it. How much is he


  Laurnace- I don't know for sure, but he'll make you a good


  Soony--- Okay. Set it up for me to see it, if you can.


  Laurance- How long do you think it'll take to fix it?

  Soony- Hard to tell. Sometimes we can find the problem

  right away and sometimes it may take an hour or


  Laurance- Should I wait or come back later?

  Soony- Suit yourself, but it's probably better to come

  back later.

  Laurance- You will get it fixed today, won't you?

  Soony- I don't see any problem. We should have it ready

  for you by three at the latest. But, better call

  before you come.

  Laurance- Okay. Thanks a lot.


  Laurance-Was that the telephone ringing? 是電話鈴響了嗎?

  Soony- I didn't hear anything. 我什么都沒聽見。

  Laurance-I thought I heard it ring two or three times. 我覺得我聽見電話響了兩三遍。

  Soony- Sometimes when the windows are open, you can hear the neighbors' phone.


  Laurance-Well, I'm expecting an important phone call, and I don't want to miss it. 我正等一個很重要的電話,我不能錯過它。

  Soony- Is it anything I should know about? 我能夠知道是什么事情嗎?

  Laurance-Not really. It has something to do with work and

  doesn't really affect us here at home. 我也不確定,可能和工作有關,或者并不影響我們在這兒。

  Soony- Well, why don't you go ahead and do what you wanted

  to do outside. I'll call you if the phone rings for you. 好吧,你為什么不先去外面做你想做的事情呢,如果有電話,我會叫你的

  Laurance-Thanks. I think I will. I've been waiting so long

  now I'm getting nervous. I need to relax outdoors.






日常英語聽力練習《Making Cookies》08-18




