關于節約的英語演講稿 有關節約的英語作文演講稿格式

關于節約的英語演講稿 有關節約的英語作文演講稿格式

日期:2023-03-05 03:15:58    编辑:网络投稿    来源:互联网

有關節約的英語演講稿dear colleagues:hello, everyone.today i share with you the topic is: corporate social responsibility.corporate social responsibility ( corpo


dear colleagues:


hello, everyone.today i share with you the topic is: corporate social responsibility.

corporate social responsibility ( corporatesocialresponsibility, csr) refers to the enterprises to create profits for shareholders, bear legal responsibility at the same time, also undertake to employees, customers, community and environmental responsibility. corporate social responsibility requires the enterprises to go beyond the profit as the only goal of the traditional philosophy, emphasis on the production process of the value of human attention, emphasis on consumer, environmental, contribution to society.

remember that we have just moved into the building, regardless of the weekend, or at 10: 00 to the company, you will find our this building always lights, as bright as day. i think at that time, the premier for his annual unit gdp energy consumption reduced by 4% goals; and our late night nobody when lighted, why can't we do some contribution for the premier goal?

i think back and forth to oneself, toss and turn restlessly, then president gao ruibin wrote an email, attached the photo, suggested, we should find better energy-saving measures to reduce energy consumption for countries to make our contribution. high total in his busy schedule to see my messages, promptly forwarded to an associated organization and colleagues.

we think, in which after what has changed?

so long, i see every night 9: 00, 10: 00, in our building will be the property of staff to inspect each floor, power off.

to this year july 10th, our office at 7 : 30 after lighting will be automatically closed. see the satisfactory change, i gave a high total wrote an email, attached 2 photos, one is at 11 : 00 then we motorola mansion; it shows our lighting power supply have been almost completely closed, with the last picture really is my not. another photo of our neighbors, a canadian company's mansion; displayed above their lighting like we were building a year ago that way, as clear as daylight ... ...

high total gave me the reply that the name is corporatesocialresponsibility csr, corporate social responsibility, not just the company, as well as each employee 's responsibility. only we work together, we will continue to uphold the company of equality, open, inclusive, innovative spirit, innovation in science and technology continue to forge ahead on the road; our society will be more harmonious.

so what i am going to do, is to nortel ceo write, tell them to the attention of section pass reduction. in the hope that this time next year, in this place, to report my progress.

thank you very much!

有關節約的英語演講稿 [篇2]


Good morning, dear teachers and schoolmates. 眾所周知,水是人類生命的源泉。As we all know, water is the source of people’s life. 沒有水,人無法生存,萬物將不能生長,世界將不會如此多姿多彩。Without water, people can’t survive, things will not grow, and the world will not be so colorful. 因此,要珍惜水、愛護水、節約水,從我做起。

So we should cherish water, love water and save water. Let’s start from ourselves.

每個人都知道,水在我們的生活中至關重要。Everyone knows that water plays an important role in our life.

我們每天都需要喝水,我們所吃的食物里也含有水分。 We need to drink water every day and the food we eat needs water, too.

而且現在我們也面臨著水污染,所以我們應該關注水資源。We should face that water is badly polluted. We need to pay attention that water is wasted seriously.

我們應該節約用水,保護水資源。So, what we should do now is saving water and protecting the water.

哪里有水,哪里就有生命。Where there is water, there is life.

如果沒有水,我們就無法生活。If there is no water one day, we can’t live. 所以節約能源,人人有責。 So saving energy is everyone's duty.

節約用水就是珍愛生命。 節約水資源,是我們的責任。

To save water is to cherish life. To save water is our responsibility.


Please cherish every drop of water. Please cherish every drop of our life.


As middle school students, what are we able to do? 當我們刷牙時,可以用杯子接水而不是讓水龍頭一直開著。When we brush our teeth, we can get the water in a cup, not from the flowing water. 當我們淋浴時,我們應該及時關掉水的開關。And when we take a shower, we should turn off the water in time. 親愛的同學們,節約用水,迫在眉睫。節約用水,從我做起。Dear

schoolmates, we should save water at once. We should save water from ourselves.


Dear friends, let`s do our best to make our world more beautiful!

有關節約的英語演講稿 [篇3]

hello, everyone.

today i share with you the topic is: corporate social responsibility.

corporate social responsibility ( corporatesocialresponsibility, csr) refers to the enterprises to create profits for shareholders, bear legal responsibility at the same time, also undertake to employees, customers, community and environmental responsibility. corporate social responsibility requires the enterprises to go beyond the profit as the only goal of the traditional philosophy, emphasis on the production process of the value of human attention, emphasis on consumer, environmental, contribution to society.

remember that we have just moved into the building, regardless of the weekend, or at 10: 00 to the company, you will find our this building always lights, as bright as day. i think at that time, the premier for his annual unit gdp energy consumption reduced by 4% goals; and our late night nobody when lighted, why can't we do some contribution for the premier goal?

i think back and forth to oneself, toss and turn restlessly, then president gao ruibin wrote an email, attached the photo, suggested, we should find better energy-saving measures to reduce energy consumption for countries to make our contribution. high total in his busy schedule to see my messages, promptly forwarded to an associated organization and colleagues.

we think, in which after what has changed?

so long, i see every night 9: 00, 10: 00, in our building will be the property of staff to inspect each floor, power off.

to this year july 10th, our office at 7 : 30 after lighting will be automatically closed. see thesatisfactory change, i gave a high total wrote an email, attached 2 photos, one is at 11 : 00 then we motorola mansion; it shows our lighting power supply have been almost completely closed, with the last picture really is my not. another photo of our neighbors, a canadian company's mansion; displayed above their lighting like we were building a year ago that way, as clear as daylight ... ...

high total gave me the reply that the name is corporatesocialresponsibility csr, corporate social responsibility, not just the company, as well as each employee 's responsibility. only we work together, we will continue to uphold the company of equality, open, inclusive, innovative spirit, innovation in science and technology continue to forge ahead on the road; our society will be more harmonious.

so what i am going to do, is to nortel ceo write, tell them to the attention of section pass reduction. in the hope that this time next year, in this place, to report my progress.

thank you!

有關節約的英語演講稿 [篇4]


water, sky, ground, sea, rivers and lakes are. for water conservation, the students always feel as section

save something else less important. some students on the tap, foot, scouring, some students a drink of water, but the mouth facing the faucet to drink tap water, sound of rushing water, and does not feel bad. water line really worth it? water conservation is really unimportant? not the world's water 93% is salt water, not drink. accounted for only 7% of fresh water, and drink water only accounts for eight per cent of zero. billion people around the world, we depend on it accounted for only 0.8% drinking fresh water, watching, water and more valuable ah! although there are three liters of water per person per day will be able to maintain life, but in fact of urban residents per person per day cooking, washing, washing vegetables ... ... everything can not do without water, water up to several hundred liters. in addition, the farming and industrial production can not do without water. people can live several days without eating a few days without water can not. can not afford to humanity is to survive away from water, showing how important it is to save water.

water conservation "is not limited to water, but not let water. in fact, people save water is a reasonable use of water, efficient use of water. save water does not affect our quality of life. everyone has the value of resources wasted to correct others水 obligations. the idea that "as long as i pay the water, you can whim, waste water is my own business, others out of mind" point of view is wrong, our country, "water law" that water resources belong to the state , that is, the whole people. provide for countries around the world, water is public property. therefore, everyone should have public water awareness. power resources are very precious, unite the hard work of many people. everyone should love the water, saving water against pollution of water and waste water. "calendar view forerunners state and family, as the thrift failure by the extravagance. "qinjianchijia, diligence and universities, this is a morality, is a virtue.. students, we are a small host country, from small water conservation should develop good thinking habits. whether in school or in outside the school, should pay attention to water conservation. we must take practical action to be a good boy to save water.


water is the source of human life. without water, people can not survive, things will not grow, the world will not be so colorful. therefore, we should cherish the water, love water, saving water, from what i start.

"water conservation is everybody's responsibility", that is always hanging in her mother's lips. who are we wasting water every time the mother will not help the water came up to us let's talk about a multi-purpose. "you see, you see, how can such a clean water drained? it can also wash the face and feet of water, wash cloth, wash mop ... ... the water waves to the more than a pity if ah! you think about it, those who if the water to those areas of water scarcity the people, do you know what kind of value this water? you to think ah, if there is no water,

everything will be extinct, mankind will die, the world would be ... ... "has been endless talk about one of our water is used in a point. if people come to my home is, this certainly unfortunate comrade. because my mother would the comrade as na-iv-e as the small bb to look at to ensure that ultimately, listen to my mother's there, nagging words: bath time, as the first wet from head to toe look, we painted the body shower gel, the last washed clean. do not separate wash your hair, washing upper body, lower body and feet washing. do not use a bath of opportunity "for convenience" laundry, ah, ah pants, skirts

ah ... ... if the time is taking a bath bath, losing no time, do not leisurely, or play while you wash. remember: time is the water, ah, the children have been talked about ... ... you can observe these principles so far.

many of the words while his mother, but her mother's nagging has also helped many people's busy then! for example: a neighbor's aunt was about to put clothes in the water drained, but her mother heard the wolf-like (i am such a metaphor just want to reflect the following mother was the sharp voice shouting only) and a shout, aunts, stopped his hand, first a leng, but also do not know her mother's intention. where the seriousness of the mother but said: "hey - do not pour ah! this mop water can also wash about it! otherwise you would also like to re-wash mop drainage, multi-waste ah!" neighbor's aunt a thought, also ah ! this can be considered to conserve water ah!

"en! this method is a good ah not only develop the good habit of saving, but also saves water! really a good way to achieve both ah! i also have helped promote propaganda!" auntie, he told himself. i listened to the hearts of secret self-hi, it's nice to feel a good mother ah!








