三年級英語下冊期末試卷題2021 三年級英語下冊期末試卷題

三年級英語下冊期末試卷題2021 三年級英語下冊期末試卷題

日期:2023-02-20 15:19:43    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源

三年級英語下冊期末試卷  一 、選擇題:  ( )1. Can you make cake ? A .an B. a C. two  ( )2. This the way I do it . A. am B. is C. are  ( )3. What on the tab


  一 、選擇題:


  ( )1. Can you make cake ? A .an B. a C. two

  ( )2. This the way I do it . A. am B. is C. are

  ( )3. What on the table ? A. do B. does C. is

  ( )4. Who she ? A. am B. is C. are

  ( )5. The girl like you. A. to look B. looks C. look

  ( )6.We brother and sister .A. is B. are C. am

  ( )7. old is the girl ? She is five years old . A. What B. How C. Who

  ( )8.Can you make buns ? No ,I . A. can B. can’t C. am

  ( )9.Please have a cake . A. Yes .B. Thank you . C.OK

  ( )10.He a pen . A. have B. has C. is

  ( )11. Let your kite high. A. flys B. fly C. flying

  ( )12. I have a new kite . A. How nice B.OK C. Thank you .

  ( )13.Who’s it ? It’s A .my B. me C. I

  ( )14. Have a cake ? A. No, thanks B. Not at all C. What a

  ( )15.Welcome school . A. at B. to C. on

  ( )16.Can I have apple ? A. a B. two C. an

  ( )17.Here you . A .am B. is C. are .

  ( )18. Where my pencil ? A .am B. is C. are

  ( )19. Let me some water . A. drink B. drinks C. to drink

  ( )20. big cake ! A .What B. How C. What a

  二.用,a, an, am, is, are 填空。

  1.This is apple . It’s red apple 2. I hungry .

  2.This is book .It’s English book. 3.That’s egg .It’s for you .

  4.---How old you? ----I ten . 5.---- you cold ? ----Yes , I .

  6.----Who she ? ----She my sister. 7.----- it your kite ?----Yes ,it .


  ( )1.EVE想請TOM吃個桃子,應說: A. Please have a peach . B. Please have an apple.

  ( )2.兩個初次見面,應說: A. How are you ? B. How do you do ?

  ( )3.如果你有一輛新自行車,應該說: A.I have a new bike . B.I have a new kite .

  ( )4.如果朋友給你東西,你不想吃,應說: A .I don’t want to have it .B. No, thank you .

  ( )5.如果你找不到你的`書包了,應說 : A. Where is my bag ? B. What is my bag ?

  ( )6.當你的同學過生日,你應說: A. How are you ? B. Happy birthday to you .

  ( )7.同學向你說,謝謝,你應說: A. Not at all . B. No, thanks .

  ( )8.天很冷,你想讓同學關門,應說: A. Open the door,please . B. Close the door, please.

  ( )9.看比賽,你為運動員加油時,應喊:A .Come in ! B. Come on !

  ( )10.放學回家,你喊爸爸開門時,應喊:A . Open the door ! B. Don’t open the door.

  ( )11.餐桌上,朋友請你吃熱狗,你應說:A. Thank you . B. Please have one.

  ( )12.美術課上,老師想讓同學們畫一朵花并涂上色時,老師應說:

  A. Cut and write . B. Draw and colour .

  ( )13.班里來了新同學,你想問他的名字時,說:A. How old are you ? B. What’s your name ?

  ( )14.朋友過生日,你祝他生日快樂,應說:A. Happy birthday! B. Happy Children’s Day !

  ( )15.同學們參加你的生日聚會,你讓大家吃好東西,應說:

  A. Let’s give her nice things .B. Let’s have the good things .

  ( )16.你幫助了別人,他向你表示感謝時,應說:A. Thank you , B. Not at all.

  ( )17.天刮著風,當同學問你天氣怎樣時,應說: A. It’s sunny . B. It’s windy

  ( )18.上課了,老師讓學生們拿出書時,應說: A. Take out your books . B. Open your books .

  ( )19.你買了一輛新自行車,向同學炫耀時,應說:

  A. Look! I have a kite .B. Look! I have a new bike.

  ( )20.下午放學回家,和同學告別時應說:A. Goodbye ! B. Glad to see you again .

  ( )21. 同學們放學后打掃教室,你想幫他,你應說:A. Thank you ! B. I can help you .

  ( )22.你過生日,媽媽給你買了一件紅裙子,當媽媽把裙子給你時,你應說:

  A. A red dress for you . B. Thank you .

  ( )23.走進動物園,看到各種動物時,你會驚嘆:A. So many animals ! B. Oh, sorry.

  ( )24.周末你和朋友去郊游,恰逢一個好天氣,你會高興地說: A. What a fine day ! B. How big !

  ( )25.上課時,老師提醒學生看書,會說:A . Look at your books .B. Take out your books.

  ( )26.你不會做蛋糕,當朋友問你會做嗎?你應說:A. No, I can’t .B. Yes, I can .

  ( )27.體育課上,老師讓同學們站隊時,應說:A. Come on ! B. Line up!

  ( )28.你的玩具娃娃找不到了,你問媽媽,應問:A. Where is my doll ? B. Where is my ball ?

  ( )29.你的同學英語成績很差,你想幫他,應說:A. I can help you . B. Not at all.

  ( )30.你不想讓弟弟開門時,應說: A. Don’t open the door . B. Don’t close the door.











  hot dog , toy bike ,visit a friend ,

  fly a kite ,run a race , play games ,

  be good at go home , line up ,

  of course , what color , count the candles ,

  in the sky , go home .









