大一一篇英語演講稿范文 大一一篇英語演講稿怎么寫

大一一篇英語演講稿范文 大一一篇英語演講稿怎么寫

日期:2023-03-17 21:39:19    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源

大一一篇英語演講稿My college lifeHow time flies! It has been one and a half year since I came to City College of Science and Technology. Chongqing University. I


My college life


How time flies! It has been one and a half year since I came to City College of Science and Technology. Chongqing University. In thoesetimes, many things have happened. I also meet a lot of friends here.

One and a half year is not too long for life. But it has changed me a lot. For example, from the day I was born to the day I went to school, I had never left home alone for a long time and do everything by myself.

How to deal with my roommates and classmates?These questions were all difficult for me to work out at that time. Today I can get on well with them and do everything in life calmly. But all these changes were not easy for me. Sometimes I feel lonely, angry and also homesick. But fortunately I meet a lot of good friends. They helped me spend these sad days. I find words can’t express my sincere thanks to them. When they need help, I will do everything I can to help those who helped me before.

I'llhaveanother three and a halfyearsincollege,which I will treasure with my friends. I believe everything in college will be my great memory in my life for ever!





大一一篇英語演講稿 [篇2]

Thesis: Government officials should post their financial information to the public

Do you know “wristwatches brother” and “smile director”? Yes! It’s named by netizens. Because there were many pictures of him wearing at least 11 expensive wristwatches, and later he said that he had bought the watches with his salary. His real name is Yang Dacai, a former senior work safety official in Shaanxi province. On Sept 1st, Liu Yanfeng, a student at China Three Gorges University in Yichang, Hubei province, filed an application with the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Finance and the Shaanxi Provincial Administration for Work Safety, asking for Yang Dacai's annual salary information. On Sept 21st,Both departments declined to provide the information.

Do you think it is legal for the two departments to reject liu’s application?

I don’t think so. And, government officials should post their financial information voluntarily.

Argument 1#, According to Chinese government information publicity regulations, government officials should disclose their financial information. The regulations stipulate that all the government information, which relate to the immediate interest of citizen, corporation or other organization and need to make the public know and participate, should be disclosed. But why liu’s application is rejected? Because the authorities said that such a disclosure was "beyond the scope of voluntary information disclosure." I don’t think so. All the state agency and state functionaries must depend on the support of citizens and should keep good relationship with them. They need to listen to the suggestions and receive the supervision from people so as to serve the people better. Now their financial information disclosure is the officials’ obligation but not right. On the other hand, government officials are paid by the citizens; their salaries are a matter of public interest. So I think the government public information should include the official’s financial information.

Argument 2#, Citizens’ rights of knowing and overseeing government affairs should be protected. Because we are socialist country, people’s right to know and right to supervise are part of socialist democracy. If the public know the truth of the government affairs, they can know what should do and what can do with reasonable judgment and behavior. Furthermore, it is hollow to talk of supervision without basic fact and truth.

Argument 3#, Achievements have been obtained abroad by disclosing government officials’ financial information. Government officials’ assets publicity system is named “sunshine law” or “terminal anti-corruption” abroad. At present, there are nearly one hundred countries and districts having legislated officials’ assets publicity system. Since 1993, Japan has executed congressman assets publicity law. The assets include real estate, savings, even golf membership card. In 1993, Korean congress passed official assets publicity system. It stipulates that the officials must declare their assets in a given time, even their spouse’s and children’s. And now, assets publicity has become the daily routine of Korean officials.

Argument 4#, Disclosing the government officials’ financial information will result in many positive effects, such as tackling corruption, building up the social credit system, and establishing a harmonious society. Mr Medvedev, the Russian president, said, corruption is one of the most sharp-pointed and most actual problems. It used to be. The future is also. Anti-corruption must begin with official’s assets publication. It can satisfy the public and maintain the solemnity of the law.

So, I hope our government could publish government officials’ assets publicity system and anti-corruption law immediately. Furthermore, I hope our government officials could make their financial information public voluntarily. Thanks for your attention!

大一一篇英語演講稿 [篇3]

Hello,everyone.For today,I’ll talk sth about music.

Last year,I watched a fabulous movie <The Legend of 1900>.I wonder if you have watched it.I really appriciated it.For what?Not only because of the wonderful plot but also because of the beautiful melody of the piano played by the 1900.It made me realize how amazing music is.And at the same time,I ask oneself,what if music doesn’t exist in this world.Can you imagine that?Actually I can’t unless the world is still and silent.Right?In my eyes,where there is sound,there is music.So, what is music? I often hear such a dialog.A asks B:Do you like music?B answers,of course,I always listen to the lastest popular songs and learn to sing them.So,here I’d like to point out,some people just mix up music and song and ignore the differences between music and song.In fact,music includes many kinds of forms,that is,the sound of many musical instruments,as well as those beautiful songs.

When it comes to music,it is a kind of art which can express human’s feelings and reflect people’s real life.Music can be happy,sad,romantic,sleepy.spine-tingling,healing---all kind of things.But what is it?Some people define it as an artful arrangement of sounds across time,our ears interprt these sounds as loud or soft,high or low,rapid or short and slow or

smooth.The sounds need to continue for a time in some sort of patterns to become music.

When we’re happy,we will sing a songand dance to the rhythm.When we feel depressed and suddenly a beautiful sweet melody floated to our ears,troubles and unhappy immediately evaporated,music is indispensable to people’s lives in the spirit of dispensing goods and sustanance.It is an integral part of human spiritual civilization.








