looking good,feeling good教學設計 looking good,feeling good課件

looking good,feeling good教學設計 looking good,feeling good課件

日期:2023-03-16 14:36:08    编辑:网络投稿    来源:互联网

最新高一英語《looking good》教案  導語:下面是關于高一英語《looking good》的教案,如果對教學過程還不是特別清楚的老師可以參考下文。內容由百分網小編整理。  一. 教

最新高一英語《looking good》教案

  導語:下面是關于高一英語《looking good》的教案,如果對教學過程還不是特別清楚的老師可以參考下文。內容由百分網小編整理。

最新高一英語《looking good》教案

  一. 教學內容:

  Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good

  二. 教學目標:

  掌握Unit 3中的詞法、句法

  三. 教學重難點:

  Unit 3中的詞法、句法


  1. at least

  2. 至少,不少于

  3. 我們應該至少試一試。

  4. We should at least have a try.

  5. 至多 at most

  6. at the moment=at present

  7. 他們決定目前對家人保守秘密。

  8. They decided to keep the secret from their family at the moment.

  9. regret doing后悔做了某事

  10. 我后悔告訴了他這個消息。

  11. I regret telling him the news.

  12. 他后悔那么粗魯地對待他妻子。

  13. He regretted having been so rude to his wife.

  14. regret to do 遺憾做某事

  15. I regret to inform you that our library will be closed from Thursday to Saturday this week.

  16. advice

  17. 一條建議

  18. a piece of advice

  19. follow one’s advice 聽從勸告,接受建議

  20. 你認為我該聽誰的建議呢?

  21. Whose advice do you think I should follow?

  22. 向某人尋求建議

  23. ask sb for advice

  24. 如你有困難,向老師尋求建議。

  25. If you have any difficulty, please ask the teacher for advice.

  26. at all 一點也不

  27. after all畢竟

  28. above all首先

  29. in all 總共

  30. first of all首先





  1. A man who does not try to learn from others can’t achieve much.

  2. There’re many plays (that) I’d like to see.

  3. This note was left by Xiao Wu, who was here a moment ago.

  4. Tom didn’t finish homework yesterday, which made his mom crazy.


  The team is headed by a 44-year-old Mongolian, whose wife is a Tibetan.


  Yesterday Mr. Brown paid a visit to Hangzhou, which is famous for its West Lake.


  They have invited me to visit their country, which is very kind of them.



  1. such … as… “像…一樣的”,“像…之類” the same…as…“和……同樣的”

  Such people as you say are short now.

  This is the same thing as we are in need of.

  先行詞被the same 修飾時,關系代詞既可用that, 也可用as,但意義不同,前者表示“同一的.”,后者表示“同樣的”。

  2. 引導非限制性定語從句,指代整個文句的內容。表“正如……”。

  as was mentioned,as you said, as has been reported



  I want to give you what I have. (賓語從句)



  1. 前肯定后否定,前否定后肯定

  2. 前后兩部分在時態、人稱、和數上要保持一致。


  1. 當前句中有few, little, hardly, never, seldom等否定含義的詞時,附加問句要用肯定形式。

  2. 當前句為祈使句時,反意疑問句常用 “will you”

  3. Don’t forget to phone me, will you?

  4. 前句部分為主是Let’s用來表示提出建議,反意疑問句用shall we? 若用來表允許,反意疑問句常用will you?

  5. 前句謂語動詞是there be, 反意疑問句仍用there be形式。

  6. 在英語口語中,陳述部分若以I am開頭,反意疑問句用aren’t I 或am I not。

  Tom is right, ______ he?

  Tom isn’t right, ______ he?

  He has been to Beijing, ______ he?

  He will get married, ________ he?

  I’m late, _____ I?

  Let’s go fishing this afternoon, _______ we?

  isn’t, is, hasn’t, won’t, aren’t, shall

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