四年級英語試卷第五單元的 答案是什么? 四年級英語第5單元試卷答案

四年級英語試卷第五單元的 答案是什么? 四年級英語第5單元試卷答案

日期:2023-03-09 17:33:54    编辑:网络投稿    来源:互联网

2017第二學期四年級英語第5單元練習題  人生就像一杯茶,不會苦一輩子,但總會苦一陣子,下面是由百分網小編為大家準備的2017第二學期四年級英語第5單元練習題,喜歡的可以收藏一




  筆試部分 (48%)

  一、Read and choose. Can you help Sarah? 請認真讀單詞,找出劃出部分發音不同的單詞,把字母編號寫在括號里。(10%)

  ( )1. A. table B. dinner C. people D. circle

  ( )2. A. river B. bird C. hurt D. work

  ( )3. A. card B. mark C. art D. cat

  ( )4. A. port B. horse C. fable D. shorts

  ( )5. A. tall B. nurse C. hall D. lord

  二、Read, choose and write. Sarah and her mum are talking about the clothes. 請讀對話,選擇正確的`答案,并把字母編號和句子填寫在橫線上。(10%)

  Sarah: Mum, what time is it now?

  Mum: _________________________________

  Sarah: Oh! My God! I have to pack my clothes.

  Sarah: _____________________________

  Mum: What colour is it?

  Sarah: _______________________________

  Mum: __________________________

  Are those yours?

  Sarah: _____________________. They are Mark's.

  三、Look ,read and write. The children are camping now. 孩子們正在露營呢!請根據提示寫出單詞。(10%)

  Look! The friends are very happy on the camp. We are hanging

  up our clothes. This is my new red . These are

  Amy's . They are white. And that is Mike's

  . Oh, wait! Look at that table. There's a brown

  on it. Is that John's? No, I think that is Wu

  Yifan's. And Whose is this? Chen Jie! Is this yours?

  四、 Read and judge. Sarah正在寫信給她朋友Mary呢。根據信的內容判斷正誤,正確的寫 T ,錯誤的寫 F 。(10%)

  ( ) 1. It’s sunny and cold in Beijing.

  ( ) 2. Sarah doesn’t like the new red dress.

  ( ) 3. Sarah likes red tomatoes and green beans.

  ( ) 4. There are many cows and hens on the camp.

  ( ) 5. Sarah buys a pair of orange shoes and a pink sweater for Mary.

  五、Look and write. 選擇其中一個范例,在右邊的方框里畫圖,并在橫線上仿寫句子。(8%)


  This is Zhang Peng’s hat.

  These are Mike’s shoes.


  That is Zhang Peng’s sweater.

  Those are John’s pants.







2017語下冊Unit 6第5課時練習題06-12


