外研版四年級英語上冊試卷1_7模塊 外研版四年級上冊m1知識點

外研版四年級英語上冊試卷1_7模塊 外研版四年級上冊m1知識點

日期:2023-03-09 02:23:26    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源

新版外研版四年級英語上冊M1-2測試題  一、補全單詞。  1、r__ ___ ___t 右邊 2、h___ll 小山 3、str___ ____ght 直地 4、l__ve 居住  5、r__ ___d 讀、閱讀 6、t___




  1、r__ ___ ___t 右邊 2、h___ll 小山 3、str___ ____ght 直地 4、l__ve 居住

  5、r__ ___d 讀、閱讀 6、t___ ___k 說話,交談 7、tr__ __n 火車 8、h__ ___se 房子


  take near hot hear station big summer hill box up

  1、 / i / _______ ________ 2、 / iə / _______ ________

  3、 / Λ / _______ ________ 4、 / ɔ / _______ ________

  5、 / ei / _______ ________


  1.run ________ 2. play ________ 3. read __________ 4.watch _________ 5. swim _______ 6. talk _________ 7. ride __________ 8. skip __________ 9. do ________


  ( )1、A、listening B、sing C、talking

  ( )2、A、right B、left C、street

  ( )3、A、banana B、tiger C、monkey

  ( )4、A、America B、English C、China

  ( )5、A、beside B、picture C、under

  五、用am, is 或are填空。

  1、I______ a girl. You _______ a boy.

  2、Daming ________ from China. Amy and Sam _______from England.

  3、She ________ jumping. He ______ running.

  4、My brother _______ playing football with his friends. They ______ happy.

  5、We _______rowing a boat.

  6、What ______you doing? I ______ skipping..

  7、Lingling and I _______ doing taijiquan.


  1、Where_______( am / is / are ) the children?

  2、He is ________( play / playing ) basketball.

  3、_________( What / Where ) is the supermarket? It is next to the school.

  4、I live _______( at / on ) No.2 Park Street.

  5、 Where is the station? Turn _______( left / on ), go straight on.

  6、Tom ________ apples. But I don’t ________apples. ( like / likes)

  7、What are you _________( do , does , doing ) ? I’m _______( 讀 ) a book.

  8、She is ________(takeing , taking , take ) pictures.

  9、My sister is talking _____her friends. My brother is playing _____ a toy train. ( with , on, to )

  10、_________( What, Where ) is he doing? He is __________.( swimming , run )

  11、I _______ to school by bus. She _______to school by bike. (go , goes )

  12. Where are you now? I’m ________(in, on ) your left.


  ( )1、Look_____ these pictures.

  A、in B、at C、of

  ( )2、Where is Train 1? It is ______ the station.

  A、up B、down C、at

  ( )3、Look, the children ____________ in the river.

  A、swimming B、is swimming C、are swimming

  ( )4、---________, where is the park? ---It’s beside the cinema.

  A、Excuse me. B、Sorry C、Hello.

  ( )5、---Thank you so much.


  A、Sorry. B、OK. C、You’re welcome.

  ( )6、_______ name is Amy.

  A、I B、My C、She

  ( )7、What _______ she do at the weekend? She _______basketball.

  A、do, plays B、does , plays C、do, play


  1、She is reading a book.

  改一般疑問句:______ ______ readingbook? Yes, I ______. No, I ______.

  改否定句: She_______ reading a book.

  2、I like running.(改一般疑問句)

  ______ ______ like running?

  3、The cinema is next to the supermarket.(對劃線部分提問)

  __________ is the cinema?

  4、He likes skipping.(改否定句)

  He ________ _______ like skipping.

  九、閱讀理解,根據短文內容判斷正誤,正確的寫(T), 錯誤的寫(F)。

  My name is Jim Green. I am twelve. This is my mother. She is a teacher. This is my father. His name is Jeff Green. He is a teacher, too. He is an English teacher. This is my sister, Kate. She is eight. This is Polly. It is a bird.

  ( )1. Jim Green is eleven.

  ( )2. His mother is teacher.

  ( )3. His father is a Chinese teacher.

  ( )4. His sister is twelve.

  ( )5. He has got a bird.









