

日期:2023-02-14 18:21:59    编辑:网络投稿    来源:网络资源

一,今天世界已經打烊了 已經不對外營業了 晚安。The world is closed today. Good night.二,第一次當小朋友沒有經驗 請問幼兒園是這個點睡覺嗎。It's the first time to be a

一,今天世界已經打烊了 已經不對外營業了 晚安。

The world is closed today. Good night.

二,第一次當小朋友沒有經驗 請問幼兒園是這個點睡覺嗎。

It's the first time to be a child without experience. What time do you sleep in kindergarten?


三,希望這個夢里有酸奶 草莓 奶茶 薯條 蛋糕 還有你。

I hope this dream has yogurt, strawberry, milk tea, French fries, cake and you.

四,我是一面鏡子 所以 晚安 我碎啦。

I'm a mirror, so good night, I'm broken.

五,我要睡了 麻煩幫我關下月亮。

I'm going to sleep. Please help me close the moon.


六,請允許我跌進你的夢里 晚安。

Please allow me to fall into your dream. Good night.

七,那就長話短說 晚安。

Then make a long story short and say good night.

八,今晚拯救地球 有事請留言。

Please leave a message for saving the earth tonight.


九,那就這樣吧 手機沒有了。

That's it. The phone is out of gas.

十,你的羊跑到我這里 它回去的時候 我在它絨毛里捎上我悄悄塞進去的晚安。

Your sheep came to me, and when it came back, I picked up the goodnight I slipped into its fluff.

十一,晚睡的小朋友 其實是為了偷偷見一見星星。

Children who sleep late are actually trying to meet the stars secretly.


十二,把難過的情緒丟到外太空去 然后蒙上被子 呼呼大睡吧 晚安。

Throw your sad feelings into outer space, and then sleep soundly.

十三,今天結束了 立刻馬上把細碎的煩惱暫停關掉 把月亮掛好 睡個好覺。

At the end of the day, immediately stop the petty troubles and turn them off. Hang the moon and have a good sleep.



I don't mind meeting you in my dreams


Go to bed early. Don't stay up late. A stranger
