1、對于不重視你言語的人,沉默是最好的回答。 Silence is the best answer to someone who doesn't value your words. 2、如果你想成為偉大的人,就要準備好應對許多仇恨。 If you want to be great,prepare to deal with much hate. ![正能量的早安朋友圈文案(早安勵志朋友圈文案)](http://img.txax.net/images/tlkv1fb2x4p.jpg)
3、任何事情的發生都有原因,這個原因導致了改變。有時候這很傷我的心。有時候是很困難的。但最終這是最好的結果。 Everything happens for a reason,that reason causes change.sometimes it hurts.sometimes it's hard.but in the end it's all for the best. 4、 人來人往。有些人會愛你,有些人會考驗你,有些人會離開你,還有一些人會祝福你。要有耐心,一切發生都有原因。 People will come and go.some will love you,some will test you,some will leave you,and some will bless you ,be patient,everything happens for a reason. ![正能量的早安朋友圈文案(早安勵志朋友圈文案)](http://img.txax.net/images/uie3dtf3vbw.jpg)
5、不是每個人都有資格了解你的方方面面。 Not everyone deserves to know all sides of you. 6、無論什么時候來,就讓它來;無論什么時候留下,就讓它留下;無論什么走,就讓它走。 Whatever comes,let it come,whatever stays,let it stay,whatever goes,let it go. ![正能量的早安朋友圈文案(早安勵志朋友圈文案)](http://img.txax.net/images/asrr5ud1tnr.jpg)
7、你必須承擔風險。只有當我們允許意想不到的事情發生時,我們才會充分理解生命的奇跡。 You have to take risks.we will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen. 8、在這個世界上,總有人在你的道路上扔石頭。這取決于你能從中得到什么。 In this world some people will always throws stones in your path.it depends on you what you make from them. ![正能量的早安朋友圈文案(早安勵志朋友圈文案)](http://img.txax.net/images/bjhvh1l2fym.jpg)
9、 健康并不是來自醫學。大多數時候,它來自于內心的平靜,內心的平靜,靈魂的平靜。它來自笑聲。 Health does not always come from medicine.most of the time it comes from peace of mind,peace in the heart,peace of soul.it comes from laughter. 正能量的早安朋友圈文案就分享到這里,想看更多早安語錄朋友圈簡短早安文案、早安勵志朋友圈文案就天下美文網。 |