一、 有毒的是,當他們不能讓你離開,也不能善待你的時候。 Toxic is,when they can't let you go and treat you right either. 二、 只是沒有醒來便變成蝴蝶。 You just don't wake up and become the butterfly. 三、 我盡力不表現出我的感受。 I am trying my hardest to not act how i feel. 
打開百度APP看高清圖片 四、 當你內心發生變化時,你周圍也會發生變化。 When things change inside you,things change around you. 五、 你應該感受和體驗無法用語言表達的愛。 You deserve to feel and experience real expressiion of love beyond words. 六、 如果這不是你能控制的。它也應該從你的思想中解放出來。 If it's out of your hands.it deserves freedom from your mind too. 
七、 我在努力,我真的很努力但我不能裝作不疼,其實很疼。 I'm trying,i'm trying really hard but i can't pretend it doesn't hurt when it really does. 八、 你不能從過去改變開始,但你可以從現在開始改變結局。 You can't go back and change the beginning,but you can start with where you are and change the ending. 九、 當你認為你不能繼續的時候,力量就會增強,但你還是要繼續前進。 Strength grows in the moment when you think you can't go on but you keep going anyway. 
十、 每個人都有一章沒有大聲讀出來。 Everybody has a chapter that they don't read out loud. 十一、 遠離那些只在需要你時才和你說話的人。 Stay away from those people who only talk to you when they need you. 十二、 你可能永遠無法對所有人都足夠好,但對某些人來說,你總是最好的。 You may never be good enough for everybody,but you can always be the best for somebody. 
十三、 當你把自己的價值放在那些不重視你的人身上時,你會覺得自己不夠好。 You feel you are not enough when you put your value on people that don't value you. 十四、 當你學會去感受需要的感覺時,生活就會變得更容易。 Life will become easier when you learn to feel what needs to be felt. 十五、 如果你不放手那個錯的人,你永遠不會遇到那個對的人。 You will never meet the right person if you don't let go of the wrong one. 品味孤獨的優美句子就分享到這里,想看更多倍感孤獨的句子、讓人感到孤獨的句子就天下美文網。 |